Go Language Resources Go, golang, go... NOTE: This page ceased updating in October, 2012

--- Log opened Sat Dec 26 00:00:37 2009
00:03 -!- zaker_ [n=zaker@] has joined #go-nuts
00:08 -!- Maxdamantus [n=Maxdam@203-97-238-106.cable.telstraclear.net] has quit
[Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
00:08 < defectiv> how can i see what methods are available for the different
00:08 < defectiv> e.g.  string/int
00:09 -!- jhh [n=jhh@i577B939B.versanet.de] has quit []
00:10 < Kashia> defectiv, by looking into the go documentation?
00:10 < Gracenotes> hm..  unless something Hoogle-like comes up
00:11 < Gracenotes> what kind of functions do you have in mind?
00:11 < Gracenotes> in most cases, if there is a specialized (e.g.) int, it
will have a type declaration in front of it
00:15 -!- Larry_P_US_EST [n=chatzill@pool-96-237-236-37.bstnma.fios.verizon.net]
has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.15/2009101601]"]
00:25 -!- Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has quit [Read error: 60
(Operation timed out)]
00:27 < defectiv> Kashia: har har.
00:27 < defectiv> Kashia: if you can find the documentation i'm looking for,
do let me know where to find it.  thanks.
00:28 < defectiv> functions like 10.times(some_function);
00:30 < defectiv> like print("hello world".to_lower_case()) or whatever.
00:34 < Kashia> I don't think those exist
00:35 < Kashia> any built-in datatype is type-defed in each individual
00:41 < defectiv> there's a package for int?
00:41 < Gracenotes> that's one of those ultra-built-in ones
00:41 -!- Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #go-nuts
00:41 < Gracenotes>
00:43 < defectiv> oh dear, i can't define a method on ints?
00:43 < defectiv> i want to be able to say 10.times(some_iterator)
00:43 < defectiv> er, some function to be iterated over.
00:45 < Kashia> you only create methods on your own types I think.
00:45 < Kashia> no fu**ing up the core like with ruby :)
00:46 < defectiv> argh.  ruby is awesome.
00:47 < Kashia> I deeply frown upon mucking with the core
00:47 < Kashia> it makes for incompatible software systems.
00:48 < defectiv> like there aren't methods on arrays that do e.g.  each()
00:48 < defectiv> or combination() ?
00:48 < Kashia> look in the vector pkg
00:49 < Kashia> iterating over ranges, quite nice
00:49 -!- oal [n=olav@5.79-160-122.customer.lyse.net] has quit [Remote closed the
00:49 < defectiv> i'll check it out.
00:50 < Kashia> for a := range vec.Iter() {}
00:51 < Kashia> imo an ok replacement
00:52 -!- r2p2 [n=billy@v32671.1blu.de] has left #go-nuts []
00:53 < defectiv> i want to be able to say range.each(func)
00:53 < defectiv> using "floating" functions is crazy.
00:54 * Kashia shrugs
00:54 < Kashia> every language has its own style :)
00:54 < Kashia> I mean, you don't program C in C++ :)
00:56 < defectiv> but ruby's syntax seems to me to be so easy to understand,
and makes code so much more elegant and clear.
00:57 < Kashia> unfortunately Go's inheritance does not include ruby :)
00:57 < defectiv> if i say 10.times {|i| puts i}, i always have namespaced
access to times(), and i don't have to know it's just some function that's
floating out there in the ether.
00:58 < Kashia> I do agree it makes reading ruby nice
00:59 < JBeshir> I find it horrible
01:00 < JBeshir> Sure, it reads like English grammar if you ignore all
symbols and just read words, but it make no sense read as a programming language.
01:01 < JBeshir> 10.  "Okay, operation on or with the number ten.  I can
handle this..." times "What?" (<stuff actually being operated on and with, as
the PARAMETERS>) "Yeah, okay, this is...  ow.
01:03 < Kashia> I get that feeling everytime I have to look at a
Array#inject() :P
01:03 -!- c0nfl|ct [n=tiago@248-22.dial.nortenet.pt] has quit ["Saindo"]
01:06 -!- Maxdamantus [n=Maxdam@203-97-238-106.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined
01:06 -!- defectiv [n=clays@c-24-18-24-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit ["This
computer has gone to sleep"]
01:07 -!- uman [n=uman@unaffiliated/uman] has joined #go-nuts
01:07 < uman> what is the current state of debugging Go ?
01:13 -!- Guest68296 [n=elmar@dslb-188-097-065-138.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit
01:15 -!- ShadowIce [n=pyoro@unaffiliated/shadowice-x841044] has quit
01:25 -!- binaryjohn [n=binaryjo@cpe-24-30-132-50.san.res.rr.com] has joined
01:36 -!- hat0 [n=hat@cpe-67-9-132-238.austin.res.rr.com] has left #go-nuts
01:48 -!- fission6 [n=zach@nyc01.limewire.com] has quit [Nick collision from
01:48 -!- slashus2 [n=slashus2@74-137-26-8.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #go-nuts
01:49 -!- fission61 [n=zach@nyc01.limewire.com] has joined #go-nuts
01:51 -!- mbarkhau1 [n=koloss@p54A7C6C8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #go-nuts
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104 (Connection reset by peer)]
01:55 -!- binaryjohn [n=binaryjo@cpe-24-30-132-50.san.res.rr.com] has quit []
02:02 -!- youngbull [n=youngbul@ti0025a380-dhcp1720.bb.online.no] has left
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02:07 -!- mbarkhau [n=koloss@p54A7E2EB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110
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02:42 -!- itrekkie [n=itrekkie@ip98-165-246-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #go-nuts
02:47 < uman> eh, this channel seems pretty dead :)
02:47 < goplexian> maybe cause its dec25th
02:48 < jessta> but it's dec26th
02:48 < goplexian> damn time travellers!
02:48 -!- vizzord [n=exn@] has quit ["see you"]
02:49 < goplexian> brb
02:49 -!- goplexian [n=acombas@d154-20-0-9.bchsia.telus.net] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]
02:49 < jessta> uman: there is oggle but I haven't tried it
02:49 < jessta> I don't think it's very good at the moment
03:00 -!- itrekkie [n=itrekkie@ip98-165-246-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit []
03:03 -!- triplez [n=triplez@bb121-7-139-200.singnet.com.sg] has joined #go-nuts
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03:15 -!- defectiv [n=clays@c-24-18-24-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined
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54 (Connection reset by peer)]
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error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
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reset by peer)]
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03:23 < defectiv> this is awesome ==> integer(10).times(func(i
03:23 < defectiv> ruby-like iterator construct
03:24 -!- triplez_ [n=triplez@] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection
reset by peer)]
03:26 -!- skypce [n=skypce@pc-48-76-241-201.cm.vtr.net] has quit ["Saliendo"]
03:37 -!- triplez [n=triplez@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection
timed out)]
03:38 -!- kanru1 [n=kanru@61-228-150-135.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #go-nuts
03:40 -!- defectiv [n=clays@c-24-18-24-124.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit ["This
computer has gone to sleep"]
03:42 -!- Associat0r [n=Associat@h163153.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #go-nuts
03:50 -!- kanru [n=kanru@61-228-167-8.dynamic.hinet.net] has quit [Read error: 110
(Connection timed out)]
03:53 -!- skelterjohn [n=jasmuth@c-76-99-92-193.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has quit []
03:53 -!- path[l] [i=UPP@] has joined #go-nuts
03:54 -!- kanru2 [n=kanru@61-228-144-100.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #go-nuts
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03:56 -!- kanru1 [n=kanru@61-228-150-135.dynamic.hinet.net] has quit [Read error:
60 (Operation timed out)]
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04:16 -!- kanru2 [n=kanru@61-228-144-100.dynamic.hinet.net] has quit [Read error:
60 (Operation timed out)]
04:22 -!- Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has quit [Read error: 60
(Operation timed out)]
04:27 -!- kanru2 [n=kanru@61-228-146-85.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #go-nuts
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60 (Operation timed out)]
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04:59 -!- kanru4 [n=kanru@61-228-160-226.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #go-nuts
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60 (Operation timed out)]
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60 (Operation timed out)]
05:20 -!- jA_cOp [n=yakobu@unaffiliated/ja-cop/x-9478493] has joined #go-nuts
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60 (Operation timed out)]
05:38 -!- alc [n=alc@] has joined #go-nuts
05:38 -!- kanru4 [n=kanru@61-228-154-194.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #go-nuts
05:52 -!- Kashia [n=Kashia@p4FEB4FF7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110
(Connection timed out)]
05:53 -!- kanru4 [n=kanru@61-228-154-194.dynamic.hinet.net] has quit [Read error:
60 (Operation timed out)]
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06:02 -!- Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #go-nuts
06:03 -!- diabolix [n=jsoyke@c-24-3-115-134.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit ["This
computer has gone to sleep"]
06:05 -!- keet [n=o@unaffiliated/keet] has quit ["you just lost the game."]
06:08 -!- roo [n=w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7] has joined #go-nuts
06:21 -!- slashus2 [n=slashus2@74-137-26-8.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #go-nuts
06:31 -!- Xera^ [n=brit@87-194-208-246.bethere.co.uk] has quit ["(
www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.21 :: www.esnation.com )"]
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client for Emacs)"]
06:44 -!- slashus2 [n=slashus2@74-137-26-8.dhcp.insightbb.com] has quit [Read
error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
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joined #go-nuts
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computer has gone to sleep"]
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07:32 -!- triplez [n=triplez@bb116-15-187-219.singnet.com.sg] has joined #go-nuts
07:46 -!- Gracenotes [n=person@wikipedia/Gracenotes] has quit [Read error: 104
(Connection reset by peer)]
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07:54 -!- iwikiwi [n=iwikiwi@] has quit ["I ascend to reality!"]
08:00 -!- triplez [n=triplez@bb116-15-187-219.singnet.com.sg] has quit [Read
error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
08:01 -!- snearch_ [n=olaf@e179141197.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #go-nuts
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08:23 -!- sfuentes [n=sfuentes@cpe-98-154-70-216.socal.res.rr.com] has joined
08:24 < sfuentes> anyone know how to list all the field and method members
of an object in go?
08:32 -!- stalled [n=411@unaffiliated/stalled] has joined #go-nuts
08:35 -!- Cantareus [n=brendon@121-73-183-136.dsl.telstraclear.net] has joined
08:48 -!- jewel [n=jewel@vc-41-31-129-177.umts.vodacom.co.za] has joined #go-nuts
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timed out)]
09:11 -!- nanoo [n=nano@95-89-198-45-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #go-nuts
09:14 -!- MimeNarrator [i=benna@] has joined #go-nuts
09:15 -!- GeoBSD [n=geocalc@lns-bzn-31-82-252-237-170.adsl.proxad.net] has joined
09:16 -!- iwikiwi [n=iwikiwi@] has joined #go-nuts
09:17 < MimeNarrator> this question may have an obvious answer to someone
involved in developing Go, but is there a reason the go sort library implements
quicksort, which has a worst-case runtime of O(n^2), and not introsort, with a
worst case runtime of O(n*log(n)), as, for example, the GNU implementation of the
STL does?
09:17 < MimeNarrator> introsort has essentially the same average runtime as
09:18 -!- melba [n=blee@unaffiliated/lazz0] has joined #go-nuts
09:23 < taruti> sfuentes: reflection
09:25 < taruti> MimeNarrator: why would you want that?
09:26 < MimeNarrator> because it is faster
09:26 < taruti> O(n log n) is faster than O(n^2)
09:26 < MimeNarrator> exactly
09:27 < taruti> ah misread you
09:27 < Ycros> MimeNarrator: implement it, submit a patch
09:27 < taruti> like Ycros said.  but please benchmark that it is faster
09:28 < MimeNarrator> they are almost the same most of the time, but in
pathological cases where quicksort goes O(n^2) it detects it and switches from
standard quicksort to heapsort which is guarenteed O(n*log(n)), though slower in
non-pathological cases.
09:28 -!- jewel [n=jewel@vc-41-31-129-177.umts.vodacom.co.za] has quit [Read
error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
09:29 < MimeNarrator> hmm, maybe I will if I have time
09:29 < MimeNarrator> should be pretty easy modification
09:31 < taruti> most of the effort will be benchmarking + tuning
09:32 < MimeNarrator> is there any reason to think the results would be much
different from the large number of benchmarks done on the GNU implementation in
09:32 -!- slashus2 [n=slashus2@74-137-26-8.dhcp.insightbb.com] has quit []
09:32 < MimeNarrator> especially given that it is quicksort except in rare
09:33 < taruti> MimeNarrator: it is mostly about hitting cache lines
09:35 < MimeNarrator> well, my understanding (and admittedly I've not done a
lot of work on such things) is that that is why quicksort switches to
insertionsort of something similar at the end, and since quicksort is in
introsort, it would use to same tuning as the current implementation of quicksort
09:35 < MimeNarrator> or*
09:39 < MimeNarrator> the*
09:40 -!- Spaghettini [n=Spaghett@vaxjo6.150.cust.blixtvik.net] has quit
09:42 -!- Andrew7 [n=Andrew@] has joined #go-nuts
09:42 < Andrew7> Enter text here...
09:42 -!- Andrew7 [n=Andrew@] has quit ["Your true value depends
entirely on what you are compared with."]
09:43 < MimeNarrator> hah
09:44 -!- ShadowIce [n=pyoro@unaffiliated/shadowice-x841044] has joined #go-nuts
09:48 -!- jewel [n=jewel@vc-41-28-239-76.umts.vodacom.co.za] has joined #go-nuts
09:56 -!- nanoo [n=nano@95-89-198-45-dynip.superkabel.de] has quit ["Leaving"]
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reset by peer)]
10:14 -!- tafazzi87_
[n=tafazzi8@host72-198-dynamic.8-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #go-nuts
10:14 < tafazzi87_> hi all
10:17 < tafazzi87_> i've a problem on installation, when i do "make all",
terminal did this bash /home/google/go/src/make.bash
10:17 < tafazzi87_> bash: /home/google/go/src/make.bash: Nessun file o
10:17 < tafazzi87_> make: *** [build] Errore 127
10:18 < tafazzi87_> why?
10:18 -!- Spaghettini [n=Spaghett@vaxjo6.150.cust.blixtvik.net] has joined
10:20 < tafazzi87_> there are someone?
10:25 -!- Cantareus [n=brendon@121-73-183-136.dsl.telstraclear.net] has quit
10:26 -!- b00m_chef [n=watr@host-212-68-232-232.brutele.be] has joined #go-nuts
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60 (Operation timed out)]
10:33 < ShadowIce> tafazzi87_: does the file make.bash exist and do you have
enough permissions to execute it?
10:34 < tafazzi87_> no file make.bash does not exist...but why?
10:39 < ShadowIce> what version do you have?  maybe you need to update it
10:42 -!- b00m_chef [n=watr@host-212-68-232-232.brutele.be] has quit [Read error:
54 (Connection reset by peer)]
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10:46 < tafazzi87_> i don't know...how can i see the version?
10:46 < ShadowIce> run "hg identify"
10:47 < tafazzi87_> There is no Mercurial repository here (.hg not found)
10:47 -!- iwikiwi_ [n=iwikiwi@] has joined #go-nuts
10:47 < tafazzi87_> but i have already installed mercurial
10:47 < ShadowIce> ohh..how did you get the source code then?
10:48 -!- jewel [n=jewel@vc-41-28-239-76.umts.vodacom.co.za] has quit [Read error:
110 (Connection timed out)]
10:48 -!- iwikiwi [n=iwikiwi@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection
reset by peer)]
10:48 < tafazzi87_> with this : sudo hg clone -r release
https://go.googlecode.com/hg/ /home/go
10:49 < tafazzi87_> and run well without errors
10:49 < tafazzi87_> (sorry for my little english XD)
10:49 < ShadowIce> so the source should be in /home/go not /home/google/go?
10:50 < tafazzi87_> yes, sorry i've delete first directory and i try to do
at begin one more time and i've changed directory,but it's the same...
10:51 -!- jewel [n=jewel@vc-41-30-146-114.umts.vodacom.co.za] has joined #go-nuts
10:51 < tafazzi87_> there is always error on make.bash
10:51 < GeoBSD> why sudo ?
10:53 < tafazzi87_> because if i don't use sudo, it does an error that is i
have no permissions...
10:53 < GeoBSD> and why /home/go ? is there a user named go ?
10:54 < tafazzi87_> no, my user is tafazzi87 and my home is /home/tafazzi87
10:54 -!- raichoo [n=raichoo@i5387DF56.versanet.de] has joined #go-nuts
10:55 < tafazzi87_> must stay on /home/tafazzi87?
10:55 < ShadowIce> if you use sudo you also have to use sudo for make all
10:56 < ShadowIce> and it's better to have it somewhere where your normal
user has write permissions
10:56 < tafazzi87_> sudo for make all did the same problem, now i try on my
11:01 < tafazzi87_> same error...
11:01 -!- iwikiwi_ [n=iwikiwi@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection
reset by peer)]
11:03 < ShadowIce> tafazzi87_: try this: "LC_ALL=C make all"
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caught me"]
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[n=tafazzi8@host72-198-dynamic.8-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit ["Sto
andando via"]
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18:36 < anticw> dho: poke
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20:05 < ismettern> how far is go considered to be in development at the
20:05 < dagle> It compiles.
20:06 < dagle> It got some libs.
20:07 < ismettern> but still far from the finished product or?
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closed the connection]
20:15 < dagle> ismettern: Deps on what you mean.
20:17 < ismettern> is go considered to be ready to use for applications or
is it still under heavy development?  (sorry if this dosent makes sense, i have no
idea about development procces of programming languages)
20:18 < ismettern> actually there is one thing wich bugs me a bit...
20:18 < ismettern> i am pretty new in the linux world, but i dont think
putting a program in its own folder in the HOME folder is an optimal way to
install something
20:19 < dagle> ismettern: You can install it for all users.
20:19 < dagle> And it's only the compiler and standard libs installed that
20:20 < ismettern> the whole installation proccess seems abit unpolished
(but on the other hand i dont have much experince with installing programming
20:35 < taruti> ismettern: go is under heavy develepment still
20:36 < ismettern> okay, i hope for a more streamlined installation procces
in the future then :)
20:39 < soul9> ismettern: a lot of programming languages do that.  what's
your problem with it?
20:42 < soul9> oh, it's possible to install go system-wide, all you need is
put it somewhere like /usr/local/golang and putting the GOROOT and other exported
variables stuff in system-wide profile
20:43 < ismettern> okay
20:45 < ismettern> i guess that would work, but it seems to be inconsistent
with the way every thing else is installed (wich not neccesarily is bad, just
strange to me).  Other programs(and languages) have their different files
scattered around in different folders
20:46 < ismettern> but maybe this is more of a linux question than a go
20:46 < ismettern> by different folders i mean stuff like lib, src and
20:47 < soul9> no, not all
20:47 < soul9> look at erlang
20:47 < soul9> and there are others too, even python installs mostly in two
20:48 < ismettern> ok
20:48 < soul9> well, that's not true about python ;)
20:48 * soul9 should think before he writes
20:48 < ismettern> tbh i have only c++ and java installed
20:48 < ismettern> (and go)
20:48 < soul9> well java installs mostly in one directory
20:48 < soul9> for me it's /opt/sun-jdk
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20:53 < ismettern> i have searched for java on my file system and i get
results from every where..  but i have no idea what is the JDK, what is the
Runtime, what is open-jdk and what isent realated to java at all
20:53 < ismettern> but it dosent really matter
20:54 < ismettern> thanks for the clarification anyway :D
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54 (Connection reset by peer)]
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21:11 < plexdev> http://is.gd/5CAo3 by [Rob Pike] in go/doc/devel/ -- add
exceptions to the road map.  i think this just was an oversight.
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the connection]
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23:28 < yuanxin> what PRNG algorithm is used in the rand pakage?
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23:34 < aho> i like xorshift :>
23:34 < dagle> You mean LFSR?
23:35 -!- Cyanure [n=cyanure@81-65-189-254.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #go-nuts
23:36 < aho>
23:36 < aho> this one
23:36 < yuanxin> aho: thanks
23:37 < sfuentes> anyone know how to list all the field and method members
of an object in go?
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error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
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(Operation timed out)]
23:50 -!- raichoo [n=raichoo@i5387DF56.versanet.de] has quit
23:52 -!- jhh [n=jhh@f049018202.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit []
23:54 -!- Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #go-nuts
--- Log closed Sun Dec 27 00:00:38 2009