Go Language Resources Go, golang, go... NOTE: This page ceased updating in October, 2012

--- Log opened Tue May 04 00:00:29 2010
--- Day changed Tue May 04 2010
00:00 < JBeshir> BrowserUk: You can, by Go modules, just not by dynamic
00:01 -!- ikaros [~ikaros@e179182075.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Quit: Leave the
magic to Houdini]
00:04 < BrowserUk> jessta: On the versioning issue: There are 3 types of
change: 1) external interfaces changes--requires both parties to upgrade; 2)
internal interface changes: requires no change on the caller; 3) changes that
bring actual behaviour in line with documented behaviour with non change to
interfaces: no change to callers--except if they've come to rely on the incorrect
behaviour.  Changing a DL under an executable that uses it is only a problem in
00:04 < BrowserUk> 1) case, and they are by far the least common.
00:04 -!- bmizerany [~bmizerany@adsl-68-127-170-63.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has
joined #go-nuts
00:05 -!- a- [~a@97-81-96-92.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has left #go-nuts []
00:06 < jessta> yeah, because they break too much stuff
00:07 < JBeshir> The problem I think is
00:07 < jessta> A binary created with the orignal release of the go compiler
still works now
00:07 < JBeshir> That the majority of this problem is in reality
non-existent on modern Linux systems due to package management.
00:07 < BrowserUk> JBeshir: Sorry.  You'll have to explain that?  By
"partition executables", I mean literally being able to only load some parts of
the code when required.  Can Go modules do that?
00:07 < JBeshir> BrowserUk: No, not really, not without recompile.
00:08 -!- bmizeran_ [~bmizerany@adsl-68-127-170-63.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has
quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
00:08 < kmeyer> jessta: and still has any vulnerabilities or bugs introduced
by that version of the compiler / code
00:10 * BrowserUk nods.
00:11 -!- htoothrot [~mux@71-11-228-206.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined
00:11 < jessta> kmeyer: yeah, and with dynamic linking it would still have
those bugs
00:12 < jessta> because you'd still have to have the old version of the lib
00:12 < JBeshir> No, only if it broke compatibility.
00:12 < BrowserUk> jessta: I have a perl5.8.0 executable built 5 years ago.
I can download an XS module from CPAN and build now--using a completely different
compiler--and use it from that ancient Perl.  (Perl is just an example here)
00:13 < JBeshir> Which isn't particularly probable, especially for security
00:14 < kmeyer> It seems like you've pretty much already made up your mind.
00:14 < JBeshir> I thought gccgo supported dynamic libraries of some form.
00:15 < jessta> cgo does
00:15 < JBeshir> Ah.
00:16 < BrowserUk> JBeshir: go on windows can access C-built DLLs.  But
there is no way to build a go-.dll/.so (And yes; portability is one of my goals:)
00:26 < BrowserUk> Oh dear.  The W-word!
00:28 * exch can't believe how bloody fast go is as a webserver O.o
00:28 < exch> it's browsing at warp speed
00:29 < plexdev> http://is.gd/bSUyJ by [Russ Cox] in go/test/ -- test: test
of static initialization (fails)
00:36 -!- homiziado [~ernestofr@] has joined #go-nuts
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00:54 < BrowserUk> Wow.  Deep seated huh.
00:55 < BrowserUk> Cheers all for the sounding board.
00:55 -!- BrowserUk [~irc1_20_B@] has left #go-nuts []
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00:57 -!- o [~oliver@unaffiliated/o] has left #go-nuts []
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01:09 -!- Xera^ [~brit@87-194-208-246.bethere.co.uk] has quit [Read error:
Connection reset by peer]
01:19 < plexdev> http://is.gd/bSXsX by [Russ Cox] in 2 subdirs of
go/src/pkg/ -- runtime, strconv: tiny cleanups
01:19 < plexdev> http://is.gd/bSXsZ by [Russ Cox] in go/test/bench/ --
test/bench: import new fasta C reference, update Go, optimizations
01:19 < plexdev> http://is.gd/bSXti by [Russ Cox] in 4 subdirs of go/ -- gc:
01:23 -!- carllerche [~carllerch@enginey-9.border1.sfo002.pnap.net] has quit
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01:46 -!- nettok [~netto@] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
01:48 < plexdev> http://is.gd/bSYZH by [Robert Griesemer] in 4 subdirs of
go/ -- big: completed set of Int division routines & cleanups
01:53 -!- tor5 [~tor@c-627471d5.04-50-6c756e10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has quit
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01:57 -!- BrowserUk [~irc1_20_B@] has joined #go-nuts
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joined #go-nuts
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quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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timeout: 240 seconds]
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timeout: 276 seconds]
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252 seconds]
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by peer]
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05:09 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: cw, scoeri, _nano, MacCoaster,
ukai, cco3-hampster, kmeyer, JBeshir, Rondel, hhg_
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scoeri, Rondel, cw, JBeshir, kmeyer
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timeout: 245 seconds]
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252 seconds]
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05:51 < plexdev> http://is.gd/bTbP9 by [Ken Thompson] in go/src/cmd/gc/ --
allow data statements for simple
05:52 -!- gnuvince [~vince@] has quit [Quit: What the fruit is goin'
on here!?]
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This computer has gone to sleep]
06:12 < kmeyer> anyone know if bdb bindings for go exist?
06:18 -!- b00m_chef [~watr@d64-180-45-230.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #go-nuts
06:19 -!- xorl [~xorl@eon.slack.in] has joined #go-nuts
06:19 < xorl> anyone know what happened to strings.Bytes?
06:21 < taruti> xorl: use []byte(mystring)
06:28 -!- rlab [~Miranda@] has joined #go-nuts
06:31 < xorl> taruti, thanks!
06:31 < xorl> taruti, anywhere to reference the change or the removal of
06:31 < taruti> the mailing list
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timeout: 276 seconds]
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06:51 -!- Macpunk [~macpunk@cpe-72-177-26-221.austin.res.rr.com] has joined
06:59 < uriel> kmeyer: check http://go-lang.cat-v.org/library-bindings
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07:04 < xorl> hmmm
07:04 < xorl> http://pastebin.com/EPjyKFnM this is bothering me to hell
07:04 < xorl> I can't wrap my head why that line (i wrote a nice /* */ over
it causes me issues when compiling
07:04 -!- viirya [~viirya@cml506-25.csie.ntu.edu.tw] has quit [Read error:
Operation timed out]
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[~kaigan@c-8290e255.1411-10-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #go-nuts
07:08 < ShadowIce> xorl: after nil (envv) there should be a string with the
path from where you exec cmmd
07:10 < xorl> OHHH it changed
07:10 < xorl> weird
07:10 -!- mrd` [~matthew@shinobi.dempsky.org] has joined #go-nuts
07:11 < kmeyer> uriel: nothing listed there
07:11 < xorl> hah
07:11 < xorl> ShadowIce, when did they add that?
07:13 < ShadowIce> I don't know exactly, but it wasn't that long ago, maybe
2-3 weeks
07:13 < ShadowIce> or at least that's when I noticed it ;)
07:15 < ShadowIce> hm...18.feb :o
07:16 -!- Gracenotes [~person@wikipedia/Gracenotes] has quit [Remote host closed
the connection]
07:16 < xorl> wow
07:16 < xorl> i haven't changed my code in a while haha
07:16 < xorl> Was wondering why my stuff was failing builds
07:17 < xorl> now to figure out panic: runtime error: invalid memory address
or nil pointer dereference :D
07:17 * xorl goes back to debugging
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07:19 < xorl> got it
07:19 < xorl> Lstat failing, lovely.
07:21 < kmeyer> is there an introduction to cgo somewhere?
07:23 < kmeyer> ah, found
http://cheesesun.blogspot.com/2009/12/basic-cgo.html on the go wiki
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07:32 -!- Discoloda [~vincent@adsl-76-231-56-49.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net] has quit
[Remote host closed the connection]
07:33 < xorl> ok all my code is fixed
07:33 < xorl> yay
07:33 < xorl> kmeyer, well, the way I learned was looking at everyone elses
code, no real tutorials :\
07:34 < xorl> (at that time)
07:34 < kmeyer> heh
07:34 < kmeyer> if I remember correctly, go and pthreads don't mix -- is
that right?
07:37 < xorl> should be *ok* I haven't read anything myself to sufficiently
explore pthreads completely with go
07:40 -!- araujo [~araujo@gentoo/developer/araujo] has joined #go-nuts
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timeout: 240 seconds]
07:47 < uriel> kmeyer: there was some talk about it in go-lang-nuts this
week, I'd search the archives
07:47 < uriel> (but my guess and advice is: stay away from pthreads)
07:48 < kmeyer> yeah, thought so
07:49 < taruti> kmeyer: summarized "you may spawn pthreads but if you
interact with go with them all hell will break lose.  and it is not supported"
07:49 < kmeyer> heh
07:49 < kmeyer> yeah, so that's a no
07:49 < kmeyer> too bad, go would be perfect for this application :(
07:50 -!- jhh [~jhh@f048114034.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #go-nuts
08:04 < uriel> kmeyer: why on earth would you want to use pthreads with Go?
08:04 * uriel just doesn't get it
08:05 < kmeyer> uriel: bdb, not pthreads.
08:05 < kmeyer> but bdb uses pthreads
08:06 < uriel> bdb uses pthreads?  ugh?
08:06 -!- path[l] [UPP@] has quit [Quit: path[l]]
08:06 < kmeyer> I'd be happy if someone implemented a fast btree-backed
store in pure go, too ;)
08:06 -!- jhh [~jhh@f048114034.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Quit: jhh]
08:07 < kmeyer> it'll be eating something like a gigabyte a day
08:08 -!- dignan [~tom@www.tomdignan.com] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
08:10 -!- nettok__ [~netto@] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
08:10 -!- Agon-laptop
[~marcel@HSI-KBW-109-192-058-176.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has joined
08:16 -!- viirya [~viirya@cml506-25.csie.ntu.edu.tw] has joined #go-nuts
08:19 < uriel> kmeyer: sounds like precisely the kind of applications Go was
designed for
08:23 < kmeyer> yep!
08:31 -!- ikaros [~ikaros@f051138061.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #go-nuts
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Connection reset by peer]
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[~kaigan@c-8290e255.1411-10-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #go-nuts
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timeout: 260 seconds]
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reset by peer]
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magic to Houdini]
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timeout: 252 seconds]
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quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
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11:55 < artefon> hi
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12:12 < uriel> oh, god, joan has a new name now?  argggg...
12:13 < Tonnerre> Joan Baez?
12:13 < uriel> time to update killfiles
12:13 < uriel> Tonnerre: I guess you don't read golang-nuts, lucky you =)
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14:14 < manveru> how would you name an interface for vectors?
14:14 < manveru> vectoral?
14:14 <+iant> vector.Interface
14:15 < manveru> it's part of my package
14:15 < manveru> and no, i can't split it out right now, first i have to get
it to run :)
14:16 <+iant> I guess it would depend on how it is used, but certainly
PACKAGE.vector would be a possibility
14:16 <+iant> vectoral doesn't really mean anything to me
14:17 -!- BrowserUk [~irc1_20_B@] has joined #go-nuts
14:17 < manveru> hm, ok
14:18 < manveru> it's just to take itself as argument, no matter if it's a
pointer or struct
14:18 < manveru> func (v1 Vect) Add(v1 Vectoral) *Vect {}
14:18 < manveru> stuff like that
14:19 <+iant> Interesting idea
14:20 < exch> I find the 'I' prefix on a type name pretty self explanatory
when defining an interface..  eg: IVector
14:20 -!- DerHorst [~Horst@e176122196.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #go-nuts
14:20 < exch> That's a matter of habit though I suppose
14:23 < manveru> iant: is there a better way?
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14:23 <+iant> manveru: no, I just hadn't thought of using an interface to
permit either a value or a pointer
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14:24 < manveru> heh
14:24 < manveru> seemed natural to me
14:24 < manveru> but then i'm an OO-addict
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closed the connection]
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[~kaigan@c-8290e255.1411-10-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has quit [Quit:
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magic to Houdini]
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timeout: 246 seconds]
14:59 < exch> i'm finally starting to run into use cases where Go's
interface system is really proving it's worth.  Nice
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15:03 < taruti> it feels weird at first.  then very useful.
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timeout: 246 seconds]
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15:58 < Project_2501> wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka
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quit [Quit: E se abbasso questa leva che succ...]
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peace in teh middle east]
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reset by peer]
19:05 < xorl> Anyone here use the pg_wrapper that oibore wrote?
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20:17 < yebyen> does anyone know package net?
20:17 < yebyen> i need to know how to find my own IP address
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20:18 < yebyen> exp, err := netchan.NewExporter("tcp", ":0")
20:19 < yebyen> fmt.Println(exp.Addr().String())
20:19 < yebyen>
20:19 < yebyen> (not exactly helpful?  i'm writing a matchmaker server)
20:19 < yebyen> maybe I can get my hostname and domain name, and look it up
by dns?
20:20 < uriel> yebyen: you could have multiple ip addresses
20:20 < uriel> what you need is a way to list the network interfaces, and
any addresses asociated with them
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20:21 < yebyen> the host i'm using for matchmaker has forward and reverse
20:21 < yebyen> it's an acceptable concession to say i have the hostname
hardcoded in here, but isn't there a GetHostname()?
20:22 < yebyen> [yebyen@martyfunkhouser:~]$ host martyfunkhouser
20:22 < yebyen> martyfunkhouser.csh.rit.edu has address
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20:22 < yebyen> that is obviously my system hostname, and it resolves by dns
20:22 < yebyen> so i think it should be easier
20:23 < yebyen> and I found LookupHost(string)
20:23 < yebyen> read /etc/hostname?
20:24 < yebyen> i guess that works...
20:24 <+iant> yebyen: os.Hostname
20:25 < yebyen> ok
20:35 < yebyen> thanks :D
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[~marcel@HSI-KBW-109-192-058-176.hsi6.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has quit [Remote
host closed the connection]
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21:54 < fenicks> yep
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23:03 < divoxx> when compiling a Go file using CGO through makefile
(CGOFILES) shouldn't it also create a .so file in the pkg arch destination folder?
23:03 < divoxx> I'm getting this dyld: Library not loaded:
23:03 <+iant> you may have to run "make install"
23:04 <+iant> if you didn't
23:04 < divoxx> oh, that's probably it
23:04 < divoxx> is it possible to make gotest load the object from the
project folder instead of the install folder?
23:04 <+iant> if you hack on the code a bit, yes
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23:05 < divoxx> I though gotest would take all the necessary steps before
running the tests..  compiling, installing, etc
23:05 <+iant> change cgo to just use the name of the .so, rather than the
full path
23:05 <+iant> and pass a -r option to 6l
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23:36 < yebyen> how does one print the type?
23:36 < yebyen> .(type) is apparently only allowed in switch
23:37 < yebyen> i'm trying to learn netchan
23:37 < yebyen> but these errors are not enough
23:38 < yebyen> exp.Export(ttt): not a channel
23:39 < yebyen> oh
23:39 < yebyen> i'm passing *channel
23:39 < KirkMcDonald> yebyen: The %T format specifier.
23:39 < yebyen> %T
23:39 < yebyen> sweet
23:40 < yebyen> %T?
23:40 < yebyen> Println("%T", var)
23:40 < yebyen> %T?  is that new?
23:40 < KirkMcDonald> Println does do formatting.
23:40 < KirkMcDonald> doesn't*
23:40 < yebyen> oh
23:40 < yebyen> printf
23:41 < yebyen> d'oh
23:41 < KirkMcDonald> fmt.Printf("%T\n", var)
23:41 < yebyen> chan *matchmaker.strings
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23:41 < yebyen> sure looks like a channel
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reset by peer]
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--- Log closed Wed May 05 00:00:55 2010