Go Language Resources Go, golang, go... NOTE: This page ceased updating in October, 2012

--- Log opened Sun Jan 16 00:00:03 2011
00:06 -!- artefon [~thiago@] has quit [Read
error: Connection reset by peer]
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timeout: 276 seconds]
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00:59 -!- ShadowIce [~pyoro@unaffiliated/shadowice-x841044] has quit [Quit:
01:01 -!- bmizerany [~bmizerany@229.sub-75-208-191.myvzw.com] has joined #go-nuts
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timeout: 255 seconds]
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error: Connection reset by peer]
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joined #go-nuts
02:18 -!- pancake [~pancake@] has joined #go-nuts
02:18 < pancake> how can I link multiple objects with $(GOARCH)l ?
02:19 < pancake> I tried with 8l -o foo foo.8 bar.8, but it just displays
the usage
02:33 -!- monty_hall [~monty_hal@adsl-75-51-96-59.dsl.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has
joined #go-nuts
02:33 < cbeck> pancake: in one, lets say foo, you need to `import "./bar"`
02:34 < pancake> uhm, using gopack i can workaround it..  8l only accepts
one argument
02:38 -!- monty_hall [~monty_hal@adsl-75-51-96-59.dsl.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has
left #go-nuts []
02:41 -!- |Craig| [~|Craig|@panda3d/entropy] has joined #go-nuts
02:41 -!- Natch [~natch@c-2bcfe155.25-4-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has
joined #go-nuts
02:41 -!- Tv [~tv@cpe-76-168-227-45.socal.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 255
02:42 -!- Natch| [~natch@c-2bcfe155.25-4-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has
quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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timeout: 246 seconds]
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240 seconds]
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03:39 -!- jesmon [~user@rrcs-69-193-6-191.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #go-nuts
03:47 < teejae> is there some pretty print package in go for structs?
03:49 < exch> teejae: not specifically.  But the json package can output
data in an indented format.  Whether that's an acceptable solution is up to you of
03:49 < teejae> exch: that might be good enough
03:49 < teejae> exch: what about for pointers?  does it follow pointers?
03:49 < teejae> just want something that "does the right thing"
03:49 < teejae> :P
03:50 < exch> If a struct has a field which is some pointer type, that
should be handled appropriately.  eg: the reflection code will dereference it and
see what's behind the pointer
03:50 < teejae> exch: nm, found it.  yes, it does follow pointers
03:50 < teejae> exch: appreciate your help here :)
03:50 < exch> np
03:52 -!- joatmon54 [~engest@cpe-66-74-195-46.san.res.rr.com] has joined #go-nuts
03:55 -!- bmizerany [~bmizerany@101.sub-75-208-245.myvzw.com] has quit [Remote
host closed the connection]
04:21 -!- jesmon [~user@rrcs-69-193-6-191.nys.biz.rr.com] has quit [Remote host
closed the connection]
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05:01 -!- crazy2be [~justin@d75-152-162-237.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #go-nuts
05:07 -!- vayos [~osiris@aixd3.rhrk.uni-kl.de] has joined #go-nuts
05:09 -!- adu [~ajr@pool-72-83-254-159.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined
05:10 -!- tensorpudding [~user@] has joined #go-nuts
05:18 < crazy2be> is there any way to find the originating host with the
http library?
05:37 < KirkMcDonald> crazy2be: The ResponseWriter given to a handler has a
RemoteAddr method.
05:38 -!- teejae [~teejae@softbank219185095092.bbtec.net] has quit [Quit: teejae]
05:44 < quantumelixir> Where can I find information regarding writing
Go-bindings for C libraries?
05:46 < |Craig|> quantumelixir: cgo
05:46 -!- go^lang [~newblue@] has joined #go-nuts
05:47 < quantumelixir> |Craig|: Nice.  It includes some examples too!
05:52 < crazy2be> KirkMcDonald: Oh, nice!  That must be left over from when
it was a http.Conn, it would make more sence then
05:54 -!- vdrab [~vdrab@pd3e9b4.kyotnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp] has quit [Quit: vdrab]
05:56 -!- go^lang [~newblue@] has quit [Quit: 暂离]
06:03 -!- DarthShrine [~angus@pdpc/supporter/student/DarthShrine] has quit [Quit:
06:09 -!- vayos [~osiris@aixd3.rhrk.uni-kl.de] has left #go-nuts [" "]
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06:31 -!- crazy2be [~justin@d75-152-162-237.abhsia.telus.net] has quit [Remote
host closed the connection]
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06:46 -!- quantumelixir [cb6ef315@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has
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06:54 -!- karshan [~karshan@] has joined #go-nuts
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07:32 < jeff2> how is Scan() in Russ Cox's gosqlite module supposed to work
with NULL values?
07:33 -!- zozoR [~zozoR@56346ed3.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #go-nuts
07:34 < jeff2> if I do: i := make(int); q.Scan(&i), then *i is 0 both if the
column is 0 or if it is NULL.  can they not be told apart?
07:35 < zozoR> shouldnt you use new on an int?
07:36 < jeff2> zozoR: oops, you're right it should be new()
07:36 < zozoR> :)
07:37 < jeff2> but, I still can't differentiate NULL from 0 :(
07:37 < jeff2> I think it is a flaw in the wrapper
07:39 < zozoR> heh, i dont know how scan works
07:39 < aiju> eh NULL and 0 are the same, aren't they?
07:39 < jeff2> no not in SQL
07:40 < aiju> oic
07:40 < aiju> not talking about C :>
07:40 < jeff2>
07:41 < JBeshir> Maybe you could scan into an interface{}
07:41 < JBeshir> Where nil and a valid number which happens to be 0 are
07:45 < jeff2> maybe a pointer to an interface would work
07:45 < JBeshir> Yeah.
07:46 < JBeshir> Not ideal but there's no such thing as a nilable
integertype in Go
07:46 < JBeshir> And it can make do, I hope.
07:50 < jeff2> I think it could.  just need to work out how I'd pass it
through Scan().  currently it accepts an ...interface{}, and uses a type switch
(with case *int, etc.) to determine how to convert the value.  suppose I could add
case *interface{}(?)..  or perhaps **int would do
08:01 -!- cco3 [~conley@c-69-181-138-209.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Ping
timeout: 260 seconds]
08:07 < jeff2> yeah that works great.  thanks
08:09 < aiju> what's Go's equivalent of RBP?
08:10 < jeff2> what's RBP?
08:10 < aiju> base pointer
08:10 < aiju> talking about the calling conventions here
08:16 -!- kashia_ [~Kashia@p4FEB2BFC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #go-nuts
08:19 -!- Kashia [~Kashia@p4FEB5326.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246
08:20 < Maxdamantus> aiju: NULL and 0 aren't the same in C either.
08:20 < aiju> yes they are
08:20 < Maxdamantus> aiju: they might be though.
08:20 < aiju> no
08:21 < Maxdamantus> Yes.
08:21 < aiju> the standard defines them to be equivalent
08:21 < Maxdamantus> No it doesn't.
08:21 < Maxdamantus> It defines them both as a "null pointer constant"
08:21 < Maxdamantus> But "null pointer constant" does not have a specific
08:21 < aiju> NULL can't be 5
08:21 < Maxdamantus> Consider: printf("%p\n", NULL);
08:21 < Maxdamantus> That is invalid.
08:22 < Maxdamantus> You must use (void*) since NULL doesn't need to have
type void* and the argument is not promoted to anything in the vararg.
08:22 < Maxdamantus> (void*)NULL, rather
08:22 < Maxdamantus> aiju: it can be 5.
08:22 < Maxdamantus> aiju: you can't assume that it is though.
08:23 < aiju> ANSI C guarantees that any null pointer will be equal to 0 in
a comparison with an integer type
08:23 < Maxdamantus> 5 might be a null pointer constant in some specific
implementation ..  it just means that the implementation must recognise 5 as being
able to be implicitly converted to any pointer type, and (void*)0 == 5, etc
08:23 < Maxdamantus> (and also malloc() will not be allowed to return
08:23 < Maxdamantus> (unless it fails)
08:23 < aiju> weird standard shit
08:24 < Maxdamantus> aiju: null pointer constant, no.
08:25 < Maxdamantus> The standard does allow many weird things.  But for
simplicity, an implementation can ignore most of them.
08:26 < Maxdamantus> A programmer writing portable code often can't though,
as in that NULL vararg example.
08:28 < aiju> *grml*
08:28 < aiju> you can't get the address of a local variable in Go
08:28 < aiju> (if you try taking it Go simply moves the variable to the heap
08:37 -!- |Craig| [~|Craig|@panda3d/entropy] has quit [Quit: |Craig|]
08:39 -!- alkavan [~alkavan@IGLD-84-229-231-169.inter.net.il] has quit [Quit:
08:43 -!- jeff2 [~sername@c-67-164-29-36.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit:
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Connection reset by peer]
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09:33 -!- dforsyth [~dforsyth@c-76-21-40-117.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit:
Computer has gone to sleep.]
09:35 -!- Skola [~ik@5352A3FB.cm-6-3c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #go-nuts
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computer has gone to sleep]
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09:56 < jessta> aiju: Go doesn't really have a stack or a heap, it just has
09:56 < aiju> the underlying machine has
09:56 -!- DarthShrine [~angus@pdpc/supporter/student/DarthShrine] has quit [Quit:
09:56 < aiju> local variables get either allocated on heap with runtime·new
or allocated on stack
09:57 < jessta> but the spec doesn't
09:57 < jessta> it's implementation specific
09:57 < aiju> yeah
09:57 -!- photron [~photron@port-92-201-241-225.dynamic.qsc.de] has quit [Ping
timeout: 255 seconds]
09:58 < aiju> sorry, i want to get actual work done, not just argue about
09:58 < jessta> oh, and the stacks are on the heap anyway
09:58 < aiju> not in my case …
10:03 -!- Project_2501 [~Marvin@dynamic-adsl-94-36-148-187.clienti.tiscali.it] has
joined #go-nuts
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quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:21 < saturnfive> hello
11:24 -!- m4dh4tt3r [~Adium@c-69-181-223-245.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined
11:39 -!- sauerbraten_ [~sauerbrat@p508CD52F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #go-nuts
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error: Connection reset by peer]
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240 seconds]
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12:11 -!- foocraft [~dsc@dyn-86-36-43-92.wv.qatar.cmu.edu] has joined #go-nuts
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246 seconds]
12:26 -!- mosva [~mosva@unaffiliated/mosva] has joined #go-nuts
12:26 < mosva> Why should declaration and assigning value have the syntax :=
instead of just =
12:27 < aiju> to distinguish it from assignment
12:28 < mosva> Also, can I write p := &s instead of var p *string = &s
12:28 < aiju> yeah
12:28 < aiju> that's the point of :=
12:29 < mosva> It would have been easier if the first assignment is
automatically infered as a declaration
12:29 < aiju> what do you mean?
12:29 < aiju> p := &s is perfectly valid
12:30 < aiju> and declares p
12:32 < taruti> Is there any mail message parsing library in Go?
12:37 -!- m4dh4tt3r [~Adium@c-69-181-223-245.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit:
12:45 < jessta> mosva: then it would be ambiguous as to whether you where
using a variable in the outer scope or declaring a new variable in the current
scope with the same name
12:46 < mosva> jessta, Don't many other languages manage this ambiguity?
12:47 < aiju> mosva: tell me one
12:47 < jessta> mosva: other languages don't have block scoping
12:47 < jessta> *those languages
12:47 < aiju> it all gets down to specifying the scope of variables
12:47 < mosva> oh okay
12:48 < aiju> e.g.  you have a global or local keyword
12:48 -!- vdrab [~vdrab@pd3e9b4.kyotnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp] has joined #go-nuts
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13:05 -!- wrtp [~rog@] has joined #go-nuts
13:08 < saturnfive> hello, everyone, which ui library are your use?
13:08 < aiju> fmt
13:08 -!- prip [~foo@host14-132-dynamic.35-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit
[Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:09 < taruti> http + http_jsonrpc
13:09 < taruti> "what UI" :)
13:10 < saturnfive> eg: gtk, qt
13:10 < taruti> none :)
13:10 < aiju> UI = user interface
13:10 < aiju> my user interface is the CLI
13:11 < saturnfive> oh
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timeout: 246 seconds]
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joined #go-nuts
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13:40 < plexdev`> http://is.gd/YT75Y7 by [Ken Thompson] in go/src/cmd/5g/ --
arm reg bug MOVW into bool variable
13:40 < plexdev`> http://is.gd/4ZOvdx by [Ken Thompson] in go/src/cmd/5g/ --
disable reg - tar test failed
13:42 -!- tset [77384537@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #go-nuts
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17:04 < surma> Hey guys.  I could have sworn that the path package used to
have Dirname() or something.  But now I can only find Base().  Is this worth an
17:04 < KirkMcDonald> surma: There's Split().
17:05 < surma> KirkMcDonald: Yeah, I know, but that means that I have to
path.Clean(), strings.Split() and then join everything but the last element
17:06 < surma> and also pay attention to os-dependent pathseparators
17:06 < surma> I tihnk this is should be in the path package, especially
since there's Base() already.  These function are like siblings ;)
17:06 < KirkMcDonald> surma: Split() just returns two items, the directory
and what Base() returns.
17:07 < surma> But bottom line is: there's no function to provide this
functionality yet, right?
17:07 < KirkMcDonald> func Dirname(path string) (dir string) { dir, _ =
path.Split() }
17:08 < surma> KirkMcDonald: Oh I'm so sorry
17:08 < surma> KirkMcDonald: Somehow I did not see path.Split
17:08 < surma> KirkMcDonald: Thanks.  (But why does Base() exist, then?  ;)
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17:40 < surma> Hey guys.  I'm struggling with reflections.  I got an
interface type (which is implemented by a struct type).  My goal is to enumerate
the functions of the interface (with names!).  When I call reflect.NewValue() and
try to assert that to (*reflect.InterfaceValue), it panics complaining that it is
a *reflect.PtrValue, and not an interface.  How do I obtain the InterfaceValue?
Enumerating the struct's functions doesn't yield the names.
17:45 < uriel> functions?  yo umean methods?
17:45 < uriel> (and no, I'm not sure I know the answer to your question)
17:45 < surma> yeah, I just found the mistake myself
17:45 < surma> acutally was the difference between functions and methods :-/
17:46 -!- sav [~lsd@189001130056.usr.predialnet.com.br] has joined #go-nuts
17:46 < exch> functions have no receiver.  Methods do
17:46 < exch> eg: functions don't 'belong to a type'
17:47 < exch> reflect.PtrValue can be dereferenced with it's Elem() method
17:47 < exch> It should yield the reflect.Value for whatever it points to
17:47 < exch> http://golang.org/pkg/reflect/ is your friend :)
17:47 < surma> exch: Thing is: I don't wanna dereference (which would give
me the reflect.Value of the struct), I want to enumerate the methods of the
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17:48 < surma> exch: And now I'm enumerating all methods which the struct as
the receiver.  Why doesn't the assertion work?
17:49 < surma> exch: I'm on that page the whole time.  It's not so easy to
see throught it all, though
17:51 -!- sav [~lsd@189001130056.usr.predialnet.com.br] has quit [Ping timeout:
264 seconds]
17:52 < exch> Cant you just take the reflect.Type of whatever value you have
and enumerate it's methods?  Haven't tried this, but it should yield all methods
defined on your interface value or struct
17:52 -!- sav [~lsd@189001130056.usr.predialnet.com.br] has joined #go-nuts
17:53 * taruti thinks it may need extra wrapping before passing to reflect
17:53 < taruti> since reflect strips away the outermost interface
17:53 < surma> Yup, that's true.  But how do I know which functions are
defined by the interface?
17:53 < surma> ahh
17:54 < surma> I see my mistake
17:54 < surma> damn
17:54 < surma> okay, thanks guys.  I'm gonna go and be embarrassed for a
while ;)
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19:27 < femtoo> how to convert a string to byte[]?
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19:29 < cbeck> []byte(mystring)
19:29 < femtoo> ty
19:30 < femtoo> that's why I love irc
19:31 < aiju> this wasn't quite an irc typical answer
19:31 < aiju> let's retry this
19:31 < aiju> femtoo: CHRIST RTFM DUDE
19:31 < femtoo> lol
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20:31 < kixo> hi
20:32 < kixo> keysort a map in go ?
20:33 < kixo> can it be done?
20:33 < aiju> "keysort"?
20:33 < kixo> like php-s ksort
20:33 < aiju> what does it do?
20:33 < jumzi> sorting keys?
20:33 < aiju> maps in Go are hashmaps, the keys aren't ordered in any way
20:34 < kixo> hm
20:35 < zozoR> you can make a struct with key and value, make a list and add
functions to satisfy sort interface and your done :P
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20:39 < jumzi> As any true supported i should ask: what is to be achived?
20:41 < kixo> i have limited (6) key-value pairs, i need to sort them by key
then concat and md5'em
20:42 < kixo> i'll just hard-code it for now
20:46 < aiju> if the order of keys is important, a hashmap is not what you
20:46 < kixo> i noticed :)
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22:02 < crazy2be> is there anything wrong with my Stringer interface at
22:03 < crazy2be> because when i call fmt.Println on a []Event structure, i
don't get the output of the String() function
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22:19 < temoto> crazy2be, you described a method for *Time, but Event has
Time (not pointer to Time).
22:20 < exch> The runtime should automatically call Stirng() with a pointer.
22:21 < exch> *String
22:21 < temoto> kixo, i'd create a list of keys, sort it and then iterate
over that list while concating for md5 operation.
22:22 < crazy2be> temoto: Ah, thanks!
22:22 < crazy2be> i figured it was something obvious
22:25 < temoto> crazy2be, does it work if you add/remove pointer?
22:25 < crazy2be> if i change it to a Time *Time within the Event structure
it works
22:26 < crazy2be> so, thanks again :)
22:26 < temoto> Sad, isn't it?
22:26 < crazy2be> one of those things you don't notice in your own code, but
someone else can pick out instantly :P
22:27 < temoto> I mean exch is right, your code is supposed to work.
22:29 < exch> The only reason I can think of, is that the reflection code in
fmt does not conform with the runtime rules for method receivers
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22:30 < exch> It doesn't find (*T) String() and just uses the default
22:30 < exch> err, it doesn't find (T) String()
22:32 < temoto> Separate reflection code in fmt...  sad.
22:33 < temoto> Good news is that we can fix that.
22:33 -!- Kashia [~Kashia@port-92-200-22-224.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #go-nuts
22:34 < exch> I'm just guessing here really.  I might be entirely wrong
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timeout: 265 seconds]
22:39 -!- Fish [~Fish@9fans.fr] has quit [Quit: So Long, and Thanks for All the
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--- Log closed Mon Jan 17 00:00:03 2011