Go Language Resources Go, golang, go... NOTE: This page ceased updating in October, 2012

--- Log opened Tue Mar 23 00:00:30 2010
00:03 -!- jajamana [~jcb@cm-] has joined #go-nuts
00:05 -!- meanburrito920_ [~john@unaffiliated/meanburrito920] has joined #go-nuts
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00:19 -!- ikaros [~ikaros@f051135050.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Quit: Leave the
magic to Houdini]
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00:39 -!- kanru [~kanru@61-30-10-70.static.tfn.net.tw] has joined #go-nuts
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timeout: 258 seconds]
00:53 -!- nettok [~netto@proxy.galileo.edu] has joined #go-nuts
01:01 -!- Luixsia [~Luixsia@AToulouse-254-1-34-60.w81-250.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit
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joined #go-nuts
01:03 -!- akrill [~akrill@dynamic-216-231-57-80.sea0.krillr.com] has quit [Read
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01:07 -!- Venom_X [~pjacobs@cpe-67-9-131-167.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit:
01:22 -!- SecretofMana [~truthlimi@] has joined #go-nuts
01:27 -!- meanburrito920_ [~john@unaffiliated/meanburrito920] has quit [Ping
timeout: 276 seconds]
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is unreachable]
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02:00 -!- lazyconfabulator
[~lazyconfa@216-67-51-45-rb2.nwc.dsl.dynamic.acsalaska.net] has joined #go-nuts
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[~lazyconfa@216-67-51-45-rb2.nwc.dsl.dynamic.acsalaska.net] has quit [Client Quit]
02:05 -!- TR2N [email@89-180-227-92.net.novis.pt] has joined #go-nuts
02:11 -!- lazyconfabulator
[~lazyconfa@216-67-51-45-rb2.nwc.dsl.dynamic.acsalaska.net] has joined #go-nuts
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[~lazyconfa@216-67-51-45-rb2.nwc.dsl.dynamic.acsalaska.net] has quit [Client Quit]
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joined #go-nuts
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left #go-nuts []
02:38 -!- lazyconfabulator
[~lazyconfa@216-67-51-45-rb2.nwc.dsl.dynamic.acsalaska.net] has joined #go-nuts
02:39 < lazyconfabulator> http://pastebin.com/UMYTZTEw ..  When I stress
test this it appears to leak memory.  Is it the code, or is it something else?
02:43 -!- kota1111 [~kota1111@gw2.kbmj.jp] has joined #go-nuts
02:49 -!- thaostra [~joshua@pool-96-252-6-184.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined
02:51 -!- akrill [~akrill@dynamic-216-231-57-80.sea0.krillr.com] has quit [Quit:
02:54 < uriel> lazyconfabulator: I think there are some leaks related to
channels that russ was trying to track down, I wouldn't worry much and would test
again on the next release
02:54 < uriel> and if then it is not fixed, submit an issue
02:56 -!- nettok [~netto@] has joined #go-nuts
02:59 -!- tor5 [~tor@c-987a71d5.04-50-6c756e10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has quit
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03:02 -!- akrill [~akrill@dynamic-216-231-57-80.sea0.krillr.com] has joined
03:04 -!- thaostra [~joshua@pool-96-252-6-184.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit
[Quit: Leaving]
03:05 < akrill> lazyconfabulator: on my box it doesnt leak memory, but it
does leak file descriptors
03:06 -!- johnnyk [~johnnyk@zecebeme1.rh.rit.edu] has joined #go-nuts
03:09 < akrill> it makes me sad.
03:09 -!- yashi [~yashi@dns1.atmark-techno.com] has quit [Remote host closed the
03:10 < anticw> akrill: are you closing the fd's ?
03:11 < anticw> akrill: or asuming the finalizer(s) will do this for you?
03:11 < akrill> im not assuming anything, im running lazyconfabulator's code
03:11 < akrill> which no, doesnt explicitly close any connections
03:12 -!- jshipley [~jshipley@174-23-125-69.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #go-nuts
03:14 -!- General1337 [~support@71-84-246-14.dhcp.gldl.ca.charter.com] has quit
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03:14 -!- General1337 [~support@71-84-246-14.dhcp.gldl.ca.charter.com] has joined
03:19 < jshipley> Is there a reason why floats seem to be less accurate
(using 8g compiler) than in c?
03:19 < kmeyer> they're only 3 bytes in gc
03:20 < jshipley> If I try calculating (and printing with format "%.020f")
.1*float32(9) I get 0.90000003576278686523.  The same calculation in c yields
03:20 < lazyconfabulator> akrill: So do I need to explicitly close the
connections?  I thought it did that on it's own.
03:22 < akrill> lazyconfabulator: i havent a clue.  there doesnt seem to be
a method to close the connection.  so...
03:22 < akrill> anticw: hints?  tips?  suggestions?
03:23 -!- no_mind [~orion@] has quit [Remote host closed the
03:23 -!- Gussi [~gussi@ftth-236-70.hive.is] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
03:24 -!- Gussi [~gussi@ftth-236-70.hive.is] has joined #go-nuts
03:27 -!- nettok_ [~netto@] has joined #go-nuts
03:28 < anticw> akrill: sorry, i didnt look at the code ...  let me look
03:31 -!- tor5 [~tor@c-987a71d5.04-50-6c756e10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has
joined #go-nuts
03:31 -!- nettok [~netto@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
03:33 < anticw> akrill: ok, so when fd's leak are the sockets still open?
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03:33 < anticw> akrill: can you make this happen easily?
03:35 -!- tor5 [~tor@c-987a71d5.04-50-6c756e10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has quit
[Client Quit]
03:35 < akrill> anticw: according to netstat the sockets are still in status
03:36 < akrill> and they stay that way until i kill the server
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03:38 < anticw> akrill: the client is closing them i take it?
03:38 < anticw> ie.  first FIN on the connection comes from the client as is
sent to the server?
03:38 * akrill nods
03:38 < akrill> (the client is siege btw)
03:39 < akrill> looks like eventually they time out
03:39 < akrill> but it takes around 60 seconds
03:40 < anticw> linux?
03:41 < jshipley> kmeyer: are you saying that a float32 is really only a
03:41 < akrill> linux.  32-bit.  ubuntu server 9.10 specifically
03:42 < anticw> akrill: when things leak, does /proc/$pid/fd/ show lots of
03:42 < anticw> (oe lsof -P -n | grep ...  )
03:42 * akrill checks
03:42 -!- tor5 [~tor@c-987a71d5.04-50-6c756e10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has
joined #go-nuts
03:43 < akrill> oddly enough, no.  so i guess im wrong, the file descriptors
are being released.  something else is happening in the tcp stack
03:43 < akrill> sorry, should have checked there first
03:45 -!- tor5 [~tor@c-987a71d5.04-50-6c756e10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has quit
[Client Quit]
03:47 -!- nettok_ [~netto@] has joined #go-nuts
03:50 -!- path[l] [UPP@] has joined #go-nuts
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03:51 -!- nettok__ [~netto@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
03:53 < kmeyer> jshipley: I'm kidding ;)
03:53 -!- Xeon [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
03:53 < KirkMcDonald> jshipley: Incidentally, I discovered what was up with
optparse-go doing things twice.
03:54 < KirkMcDonald> jshipley:
03:54 < akrill> optpares-go?  is that a port of python' optparse to go?
03:54 < akrill> *optparse
03:54 < KirkMcDonald> akrill: Why yes!
03:54 < KirkMcDonald> It is.
03:54 < akrill> epic.
03:54 < KirkMcDonald> More or less.
03:55 < KirkMcDonald> jshipley: It seems that calling p.Parse() as an
initializer for a global variable causes it to be called twice.
03:55 < KirkMcDonald> jshipley: This was not previously the case.  I don't
know what changed in Go.
03:55 < KirkMcDonald> jshipley: But moving that function call into main()
fixes it.
03:56 -!- sam_ [sam@unaffiliated/samferry] has quit [Read error: Operation timed
03:56 < jshipley> That seems odd that it would call it twice.  Somebody
probably introduced a bug into Go.
03:57 -!- sam_ [sam@unaffiliated/samferry] has joined #go-nuts
03:59 < jshipley> I'm beginning to suspect that float32 multiplication has
some sort of problem.  If I print a float32(.9), I get the same exact digits as I
get in C, but .1*float32(9) is 9 digits less precise.
04:00 -!- rhelmer [~rhelmer@adsl-69-107-74-210.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined
04:01 < kmeyer> jshipley: look at the generated asm ?
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04:05 -!- warthurton [~warthurto@cpe-67-246-229-53.rochester.res.rr.com] has
joined #go-nuts
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04:38 -!- yashi [~yashi@dns1.atmark-techno.com] has joined #go-nuts
04:39 < jshipley> I'm not making much out of the asm, but this is
04:39 < jshipley> float32(.1)*9 is the same in both C and Go
04:40 -!- millertimek1a2m3 [~adam@rrcs-67-79-54-130.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined
04:40 < jshipley> float32(9)*.1 in Go has the same as float32(.1)*9, but in
C it is more precise.
04:41 < kmeyer> ah
04:41 < jshipley> Maybe C is doing some of the math in double precision
04:41 < anticw> there is a rounding mode on x86
04:41 < anticw> it could be set differently
04:41 < kmeyer> I was thinking perhaps the order mattered
04:41 < kmeyer> but probably not for a single operation
04:42 < kmeyer> jshipley: if you do the math in float64 in Go and truncate
to float32 after, do you get the same result?
04:42 < kmeyer> ...same result as C, that is
04:42 < anticw> jshipley: can you post the C code someone please?
04:43 < anticw> actually, no, you posted enough
04:43 < anticw> let me test the rouding mode theory in a bit
04:45 -!- millertimek1a2m3 [~adam@rrcs-67-79-54-130.sw.biz.rr.com] has quit [Read
error: Operation timed out]
04:47 < anticw> jshipley: the C value you posted matches the float64 value
04:47 -!- millertimek1a2m3 [~adam@rrcs-67-79-54-130.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined
04:48 < anticw> jshipley: in fact the compiler is doing this at compile time
04:49 -!- yashi [~yashi@dns1.atmark-techno.com] has quit [Remote host closed the
04:50 -!- meatmanek [~meatmanek@mesingw.STUDENT.CWRU.Edu] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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This computer has gone to sleep]
04:53 -!- yashi [~yashi@dns1.atmark-techno.com] has joined #go-nuts
04:55 < jshipley> I guess that the compiler was treating .1 as a double, and
casting the (float)9 to a double before doing the multiplication
04:56 < anticw> make one of them a variable
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04:58 < jshipley> if the 9 is a float variable, then I get the double
result.  if the .1 is a float then I get the float result
05:00 < nsf> .1 - double, .1f - float
05:00 < nsf> of course..  :)
05:00 -!- meanburrito920_ [~john@unaffiliated/meanburrito920] has quit [Ping
timeout: 265 seconds]
05:01 -!- nettok__ [~netto@] has joined #go-nuts
05:03 < jshipley> what tricked me was that (float)9*.1 was a double, not a
float.  Definitely a case of obvious implicit conversion.
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05:05 < anticw> one of the comments wrt to Go's design was no implicit
conversion because it's not always what you expect
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05:07 -!- merlin83 [~merlin83@unaffiliated/merlin83] has quit [Read error:
Connection reset by peer]
05:07 < akrill> lol
05:09 -!- XniX23 [vegy@89-212-10-29.dynamic.dsl.t-2.net] has quit [Ping timeout:
240 seconds]
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timeout: 265 seconds]
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05:21 < jshipley> How's this one: fmt.Printf("%g\n", float64(.1)*float64(9))
prints out 0.30000000000000004
05:21 < jshipley> fmt.Printf("%g\n",
0.3000000000000000444089209850062616169452667236328125) prints out 0.3
05:22 < jshipley> why does the first one have the 0000000000000004?
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05:25 < kevinwatt> jshipley: the first one should prints out 0.9.  not
05:25 < jshipley> sorry, I meant that to be a float64(3), not float64(9)
05:26 * akrill hints at you to copy paste, not type from memory
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host closed the connection]
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05:33 < kevinwatt> jshipley: Yeap.  I saw that too...
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timeout: 252 seconds]
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07:05 -!- Jaywalker [~jwilliams@odysseusblog/projectadmin/Jaywalker] has joined
07:05 < Jaywalker> Hey guys..  is there a Go USB library?  like libusb?
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Operation timed out]
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07:36 < anticw> Jaywalker: not that i'm aware of
07:38 < Jaywalker> :( No Go for iPhone Jailbreak software then
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11:02 < Alexandr> Are golang more powerful than C?
11:03 < Alexandr> I am new in compiling languages, and i wan't to learn it's
11:03 < Alexandr> but i don't know what i need to learn first, C or golang
11:09 < bortzmeyer> Alexandr: matter of taste
11:09 < nsf> Alexandr: imho you should learn C first
11:09 < bortzmeyer> Alexandr: depends also on *your* requirments.  For
instance, Go is much easier but is quite recent, not stable, and not used a lot
11:09 -!- wayneeseguin [~wayneeseg@rrcs-72-45-208-165.nys.biz.rr.com] has quit
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11:10 < nsf> it's kind of a base..  it will help you understand computers in
general, because underlying OS is written in C, etc..
11:10 < bortzmeyer> nsf: but C is a real pain.  Not suitable for beginners
11:11 -!- wayneeseguin [~wayneeseg@rrcs-72-45-208-165.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined
11:11 < nsf> bortzmeyer: it is ok for beginners
11:11 < nsf> and Alexandr as far as I understand isn't really a beginner :)
11:12 < Alexandr> i'm python and lisp programmer
11:12 < bortzmeyer> Alexandr: OK, then C should be reachable :-)
11:13 < bortzmeyer> Alexandr: but again, what are *your* requirments?
Finding a better job?  Doing something fun?  Exercising your brain?
11:14 -!- kanru [~kanru@61-30-10-70.static.tfn.net.tw] has quit [Quit: WeeChat]
11:14 < Alexandr> Probably it is more for fun.  I never wrote compiled
11:15 < bortzmeyer> Then, C and Go are more or less equal, I would say
11:16 < nsf> in that case I guess Go is better maybe..  managing memory in C
isn't fun :)
11:16 < nsf> but it gives you understanding at least
11:16 < rsaarelm> Some considerations: There's a /lot/ more instruction for
C. Like it was pointed out, almost everything is built on top of C, so knowing C
fill get you an understanding of all sorts of implementation bases.
11:17 < rsaarelm> Go is much nicer to program in though.
11:18 < bortzmeyer> rsaarelm: I agree but, Alexandr, be careful, this is a
Go channel so most people here will say Go is nice :-)
11:19 < Alexandr> :-)
11:19 < rsaarelm> I pretty much get the sense from Go that it's written by
frustrated C programmers for frustrated C programmers.
11:19 < nsf> bortzmeyer: isn't that true?  :D
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the connection]
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11:21 < rsaarelm> I'm not sure for instance whether newbies will find the
pointer stuff in C or in Go more confusing.  C seems more straightforward with its
uniform dereferencing requirement.  Go seems to be in a weird halfway zone between
C's explicitness and the under-the-hood references of higher level languages.
11:22 < rsaarelm> But trying to first become a frustrated C programmer and
only learning Go then might be a bit too much trouble if you just want to work
with a nice to code in language.
11:35 * nsf wants to advertise his termbox library, which has Go bindings:
http://github.com/nsf/termbox/tree/master/go (the library is intended to serve as
lightweight ncurses alternative)
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11:56 < nsf> has anyone tried to use opengl on Go? Go-OpenGL lib seems
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12:15 -!- HollyRain [~quassel@] has joined #go-nuts
12:18 < HollyRain> hi!
12:18 < HollyRain> why --fmt.Println(strings.Count("foo", ""))-- returns 4 ?
when there is only 3 chars.
12:19 < HollyRain> it always returns the length of the string + 1
12:20 -!- nanoo [~nano@95-89-189-46-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #go-nuts
12:23 < Surma> well 4 is perfectly correct
12:23 < Surma> the empty-string fits in 4 places
12:23 < Surma> XfXoXoX
12:24 < Surma> (X = place, where the empty string occurs)
12:24 < Surma> so thats 4 times
12:24 < Surma> if you want the length, use len()
12:24 < HollyRain> ok
12:25 < HollyRain> it's true, that go see it as bytes, thx
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13:15 < wrtp> HollyRain: go doesn't see it as bytes.
fmt.Println(strings.Count("ααβγξ", "")) prints 6, not 11
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13:38 < HollyRain> is possible to get environment variables?
13:38 -!- scarabx [~scarabx@c-76-19-43-200.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined
13:38 < HollyRain> os.Environ
13:39 < ni|> indeed
13:39 < ni|> http://golang.org/pkg/os/#Environ
13:43 < HollyRain> and how to get one, as PATH?  os.Environ()["PATH"]
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13:46 < HollyRain> it looks that the only solution is using a loop to
looking for it
13:50 < wrtp> HollyRain: see os.Getenv
13:51 < HollyRain> thanks
13:52 -!- pjina3 [~pjina3@189.169.66-86.rev.gaoland.net] has left #go-nuts []
13:54 < Surma> Am I blind or is there no function in os to query the
permissions of a file?
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13:58 < wrtp> file.Stat
13:58 < ni|> Surma: there is one for dir
13:59 < ni|> called Permission
13:59 < ni|> http://golang.org/pkg/os/#Dir.Permission
14:00 < Surma> why did they call that struct "dir" if it describes a file?!
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joined #go-nuts
14:01 < ni|> it doesn't describe a file
14:01 < ni|> Surma: is there an strtol?
14:02 < Surma> ni|: In the doc it says: " A Dir describes a file and is
returned by Stat, Fstat, and Lstat "
14:02 < ni|> weird
14:02 < Surma> ni|: isn't strtol and Atoi64 teh same?
14:04 < ni|> dik
14:04 < ni|> idk
14:04 < Surma> ni|: Id say it is
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14:07 < ni|> Surma: what library is that in
14:07 < Surma> strconv
14:09 -!- m1ndwarp [~m1ndwarp@xdsl-78-35-141-139.netcologne.de] has joined
14:13 < ni|> Surma: http://gist.github.com/341214
14:13 < ni|> i'm trying to that in go
14:15 < ni|> http://gist.github.com/341219
14:15 < ni|> it is displeased
14:15 < Surma> okay, base 2 huh?  Then you'll need strconv.Btoui64
14:15 < ni|> because of the multiple-value context
14:16 < ni|> Surma: its giving the same error
14:16 < ni|> i mean i get why
14:17 < ni|> i can't force that can i
14:19 < Surma> nope, not that I know of
14:20 < Surma> well, you can trick it
14:21 < Surma> http://pastie.org/882718
14:21 < Surma> I don't know if there's maybe something in the libs for that
kind of stuff
14:23 < ni|> Surma: you have a bug on line 12
14:23 < Surma> copy'n'paste error ;)
14:24 < ni|> ah ok
14:24 < ni|> and also you need to ensure a return
14:24 < Surma> http://pastie.org/882725
14:25 < Surma> yup.  i copied in to 2 staged because of some limitations of
my computer ;) work rather badly ;)
14:25 < ni|> thats how i fixed it too
14:26 < ni|> can you explain why that works
14:26 < ni|> the fst
14:26 < ni|> just making the error go away
14:27 < Surma> it's not going away
14:28 < Surma> the function fst takes exactly those two arguments
14:28 < Surma> and just chooses to more or less ignore the error
14:34 < ni|> oh i get it
14:34 < ni|> it always returns 0
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14:34 < ni|> if the error is nil return nil if its not return 0
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14:36 < ni|> whoops
14:36 < ni|> if error is nil return the int
14:36 < ni|> Surma: so why not just have fst always return n without the
14:36 < ni|> i mean its a hack anyways
14:36 < Surma> ni|: Of course, I could do that
14:36 < Surma> or you for that matter
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14:37 < ni|> Surma: yea i did do that
14:37 < Surma> i just don't know how the behaviour of the return value is
defined, if an error occurs
14:37 < Surma> this way you always have well-defined behaviour
14:37 < ni|> yda
14:37 < ni|> yea
14:37 < ni|> i see
14:51 < HollyRain> does a map can not be initialized as a constant?
14:51 -!- TR2N [email@] has joined #go-nuts
14:58 < ni|> Surma: what does fst stand for
14:58 < Surma> first
14:59 < ni|> ok
14:59 < Surma> it's a reference to python's or haskell's function on tuples
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15:00 < ni|> Surma: makes sense; but go can return tuples
15:00 < ni|> so i don't get why it doesn't have one
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15:00 < Surma> i'm not sure they're technically tuples
15:00 < Surma> i assume they are structs rather and it's therefore not
really straight forward to remove a single element
15:01 -!- ct529 [~quassel@77-44-78-159.xdsl.murphx.net] has quit [Remote host
closed the connection]
15:06 < ni|> Surma: ok cool
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closed the connection]
16:22 * exch just discovered the Goinstall command
16:22 < exch> sweet
16:24 -!- dshep [~user@dan75-7-88-166-185-201.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping
timeout: 260 seconds]
16:26 < anticw> ni|: go doesn't really have tuples
16:26 < anticw> not in so far as what other languages have as first class
16:26 < anticw> the syntax allows for multiple assignment and return values
16:28 -!- carllerche [~carllerch@pool-173-75-97-165.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has
joined #go-nuts
16:30 * wrtp wishes go did have tuples.
16:31 < anticw> why?
16:31 < ni|> anticw: yes i just was playing around
16:31 -!- iant [~iant@nat/google/x-eszliivrhpldzcla] has joined #go-nuts
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16:31 < ni|> anticw: do you think an addition of a fst function is useful?
like haskell?
16:31 < anticw> it's not clear what 'first class tuples' offer that you
really needed
16:32 < ni|> anticw: its done trhough structs right?
16:32 < ni|> anticw: btw i love your domain name -- i wish i could use it
for jt@f00f.org
16:32 < ni|> lol
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16:33 < anticw> ni|: for a while i was giving out email addresses w/
redirection on that
16:33 < ni|> heh.  i can see why
16:34 < anticw> ni|: i might again at some point, f00f.org is a spam magnet
at this point
16:34 < ni|> the reason i found it funny was i have f00f@go.to
16:34 < ni|> but would prefer my name at f00f
16:34 < ni|> anyways, let me know if you decide to
16:34 < ni|> anticw: can you describe how the tuples are emulatred then?
16:34 < ni|> just structs?
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16:35 < anticw> it depends on the use need ...  python uses them to be
immutable lists of a fixed length in many cases
16:35 < anticw> so you could use a struct [123]string or whatever in this
16:36 < ni|> makes sense
16:36 < anticw> wrt to fst, etc...  everything in programming was done
before in lisp, look at car & cdr
16:36 < ni|> anticw: http://gist.github.com/341372 <-- i find it odd the
return 0 is required after the if-else clasue
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16:37 < wrtp> anticw: one reason is because there's a duality between
function calls and channel sends - except that you can't send the result of a
multiple-valued function down a channel without inventing a new type
16:39 < anticw> but ti make tuples work effectively in those case and avoid
creating a type you want dynamic typing
16:39 < wrtp> no you don't
16:39 < wrtp> a tuple type is a static type
16:39 < anticw> what size is it?
16:39 < anticw> what are the elements?
16:40 -!- mikedee [~quassel@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset
by peer]
16:40 < wrtp> same size as a struct containing the same elements
16:40 < anticw> what struct?
16:40 < wrtp> a tuple (int, string) would be the same size as struct {x int,
s string}
16:41 < anticw> if you have the latter why do you need the former?
16:41 < anticw> are you saying have the compiler look at assignment, etc and
dynamically create a type based on the elements assigned?
16:41 < wrtp> because you have to create a new type every time you want a
pair of elements of different types
16:41 < wrtp> anticw: yes
16:42 < wrtp> anticw: it's not hard.  limbo does it, for example.  so does
ml, haskell, etc
16:42 < anticw> that wold make reflection messy in some ways
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16:42 < wrtp> why?
16:42 < anticw> well, you have to assign it a name, but that's solvable i
16:42 < wrtp> why does it need a name?
16:42 < wrtp> struct {x int, s string} doesn't have a name
16:42 -!- nsf [~nsf@jiss.convex.ru] has joined #go-nuts
16:42 < wrtp> it only has member names
16:43 < anticw> anyhow, i guess you could propose this as a language
16:44 < wrtp> the authors know all about tuples.  they've just decided not
to put them in.
16:44 < anticw> what about type equavalence?
16:44 < wrtp> one reason is the optional assignment syntax for maps &
16:45 < wrtp> anticw: what about type equivalence?
16:45 < anticw> i mean, if you have func bar() (i int, sstring) {} and func
foo(y int, t string) {}
16:45 < anticw> are the return values there equivalent?
16:45 < anticw> there are arguments both ways
16:45 < wrtp> the second function doesn't have a return value
16:46 < anticw> typo sorry
16:46 < anticw> i mean, if you have func bar() (i int, sstring) {} and func
foo() (y int, t string) {}
16:46 < anticw> ie.  the types are the same but they might be very different
16:46 < wrtp> yes, the return values would be equivalent
16:46 < anticw> so would you coorce all tuple-types that are they same to be
equivalent?  or would there be some scoping rules?
16:47 < wrtp> no, all tuple types with identical member types in the same
order would be compatible
16:47 < anticw> it seems wrong that coord := (x, y) and range := (min, max)
16:47 < anticw> could be considered the same
16:47 < wrtp> why?
16:47 < anticw> because they are used very differently and shouldn't be
confused or used interchangably
16:48 < wrtp> does it seem wrong that xcoord := x and minr := min should be
considered the same?
16:48 -!- skelterjohn [~jasmuth@c-76-124-23-95.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has quit [Ping
timeout: 264 seconds]
16:48 < taruti> anticw: as compared to x,y=1,2 vs r1,r2=1,2 ?
16:48 < anticw> no, because you're talking about the elements there, im
talking more about type coord struct { x,y }
16:48 < wrtp> if you want them to be incompatible, you can easily make a new
16:48 < anticw> right, i can see that
16:49 < wrtp> tuples are for when you want a throwaway type.
16:49 < anticw> i'm just trying to understand what the basic rules would be
for implicit tuple types
16:49 < anticw> throwaway types have type information
16:49 < wrtp> sure
16:49 < anticw> though im not sure it would matter much
16:49 < wrtp> of course it matters
16:49 < anticw> only if you have a lot of them
16:50 < taruti> then one should use proper structs
16:50 < wrtp> i can have a function foo(t (int, string)) and it's crucial
that it's passed a tuple of (int, string)
16:50 < wrtp> so the type info does matter
16:50 < taruti> of course there are a few issues with functions
16:51 -!- jajamana [~jcb@cm-] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
16:51 < wrtp> like?
16:51 < taruti> i.e.  currying
16:51 < taruti> foo(1,2) vs foo((1,2))
16:51 < wrtp> two different things.
16:51 < wrtp> same as in haskell
16:52 < wrtp> in haskell (int, string) -> int is different from int ->
string -> int
16:52 < wrtp> seems reasonable to me
16:52 < anticw> yeah, if you make tuples real types internally i dont think
it's a problem
16:52 < anticw> you just have to decide on syntax people like
16:52 < taruti> wrtp: it is reasonable if one can have combinators that
curry/uncurry things
16:53 < anticw> given you're basically creating structures it might make
sense to have foo := { 1, 2 }
16:53 < anticw> or something to avoid confusion
16:53 < taruti> which in Go would need generics
16:53 < wrtp> you can always curry & uncurry - you just use closures
16:53 < anticw> wrtp: anyhow, i conceed it should work and is arguably
usable :-)
16:53 < taruti> wrtp: that is not going to be pretty in go
16:54 * wrtp shrugs.
16:54 < wrtp> it's not too bad
16:54 < anticw> Go is very young, i dont think all problems need to be
solved right now ...  in fact i hope most aren't
16:54 < wrtp> func(a int, b string) int {return foo((a, b))}
16:54 < taruti> as compared to "\a b -> (a,b)"
16:55 < anticw> wrtp: if the types has exposed names you could create method
functions for them too
16:55 < taruti> make that foo (a,b)
16:55 < wrtp> yup
16:55 < wrtp> anticw: you can't create a method on int.
16:56 < wrtp> anticw: what name would you give to (string, int) ?
16:56 < anticw> func (x *{int,int,int}) extract(i, {int, int}) { ...  }
16:56 -!- souffledev [~soufflede@110-174-144-249.static.tpgi.com.au] has quit
[Quit: <>]
16:56 < anticw> wrtp: that 'name' could be something like {string, int}
16:57 < wrtp> anticw: why introduce the different brackets?  that's not a
name, it's a description of the type
16:58 < wrtp> taruti: your little function literal is smaller just because
the function literal syntax in go is more cumbersome, and there's no type
deduction.  it's essentially the same thing though
16:58 < taruti> wrtp: I do want generics + simple type inference
16:58 -!- m1ndwarp [~m1ndwarp@xdsl-78-35-141-139.netcologne.de] has joined
16:59 < taruti> wrtp: try writing a generic curry/uncurry in go...
17:00 < wrtp> taruti: yes, i'd like generics too.  and go has simple type
17:00 < wrtp> (a.k.a.  := )
17:02 < taruti> just that tuples are going to be quite cripled if one cannot
write fst/snd/curry/uncurry/...
17:02 < wrtp> taruti: i don't think so
17:02 < wrtp> taruti: curry and uncurry are most useful in a functional
language context
17:03 < wrtp> and fst and snd can be dealt with by allowing field access to
successive members as .t0, .t1, .t2, etc
17:03 < taruti> wrtp: if one cannot use generic combinators then there are
not a lot of advantages of tuples as compared to structs
17:03 < exch> mm the latest TIP gives me some hassle with bytes.Buffer..
anyone what this refers to?  http://go.pastebin.com/mZQMjRdg
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17:03 < wrtp> taruti: the whole point of a tuple is that you don't need to
invent a new type name for a simple pair of objects
17:03 -!- TR2N [email@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
17:03 < exch> the error occurs at the beginning of a source file that
imports "bytes", but doesn't specify anything specific
17:04 < wrtp> taruti: that's really useful
17:04 -!- meanburrito920_ [~john@unaffiliated/meanburrito920] has quit [Quit:
17:04 < taruti> wrtp: for me they are more like "generic building blocks
with many readily made combinators"
17:04 < taruti> need to get off the bus, so away for some time
17:05 < wrtp> taruti: in a language with ubiquitous generics, perhaps.  but
they're useful in other ways too.
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17:43 < HollyRain> any fast way to append a string to all values of a map?
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17:47 < rsaarelm> "for k, v := range(mymap) { mymap[k] = v + mystring }"?
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joined #go-nuts
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trampoline.  Together they fight crime!]
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17:54 < HollyRain> rsaarelm: thx
17:54 < HollyRain> it isn't necessary () for range
17:55 < skelterjohn> yeah - range isn't a traditional function
17:57 < exch> No ideas on this?  http://go.pastebin.com/mZQMjRdg Still can't
figure out whwat it's about :s
17:58 -!- Xera^ [~brit@87-194-208-246.bethere.co.uk] has joined #go-nuts
17:59 < wrtp> exch: have you tried rebuilding everything?
18:00 < exch> yea
18:00 < exch> cleaned everything, then rebuilt
18:02 < anticw> exch: the packages get 'hoisted' up into your .6 and .8
18:02 < exch> this is a bit of a showstopper at the moment :(
18:02 < anticw> so something is stale
18:02 < anticw> so if you rebuild the packages ...  you need to rebuild
things that 'sucked'' bits of them up
18:03 < exch> I have.  including my own packages/programs
18:03 < exch> deleted all the binaries
18:03 < exch> i'll try it again
18:03 < anticw> all .6 .8 and .a files?
18:03 < exch> yes
18:04 -!- m1ndwarp [~m1ndwarp@vpn-eu1.unidsl.de] has joined #go-nuts
18:04 < anticw> strace -f -o 6g-trace.txt whatFails.go
18:05 < anticw> strace -f -o 6g-trace.txt 6g whatFails.go
18:05 < anticw> sorry
18:08 -!- nf [~nf@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
18:09 < exch> hmm seems to be fixed now.  I manually deleted everything
binary related and rebuilt
18:09 < exch> I should fix the clean script to do that
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joined #go-nuts
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closed the connection]
18:40 < HollyRain> how to split by spaces?
18:41 -!- m1ndwarp [~m1ndwarp@vpn-eu1.unidsl.de] has left #go-nuts []
18:41 < Surma> strings.Split()
18:41 < HollyRain> strings.Split("foo -r /bar /qwe", "", 0) -> it isn't
what I was looking for
18:41 < HollyRain> it splits each letter
18:41 < Surma> If you pass an empty string there, then yes
18:41 < Surma> you gotta pass an actual space if you wanna split at each
18:42 < Surma> strings.Split("foo -r /bar /qwe", " ", 0)
18:43 -!- thomas_luce [~John@173-8-216-62-Oregon.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has quit
[Quit: thomas_luce]
18:43 < HollyRain> [foo -r /bar /qwe] ok, the outout didn't help since that
is not showed separated by commas
18:43 < HollyRain> *output
18:43 < HollyRain> but it works now
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joined #go-nuts
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18:45 < jshipley> HollyRain: try strings.Join(strings.Split("foo -r /bar
/qwe", " ", 0), ", ")
18:45 < jshipley> if you want to see it separated by commas
18:48 -!- ct529 [~quassel@77-44-78-159.xdsl.murphx.net] has quit [Remote host
closed the connection]
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joined #go-nuts
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timeout: 258 seconds]
19:08 < Kashia> I wonder what the new dynexport is for...
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quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:12 < wrtp> Kashia: see the discussion here:
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joined #go-nuts
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19:46 < ni|> iant: I have a question, why isn't func fst here:
http://gist.github.com/341357 ok?
19:46 < ni|> iant: it requires a trailing return 0
19:47 < ni|> (my teacher gives me my grades in binary for ascii values)
19:47 <+iant> ni|: 6g/8g aren't smart enough to see that both branches of
the conditional return
19:47 -!- ikaros [~ikaros@e179201196.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #go-nuts
19:48 < ni|> iant: ok, so this is a known problem
19:48 <+iant> we've talked about formalizing when a return statement is
required, but that hasn't happened
19:48 < ni|> ah ok ok, just wondering; sorry for the noise.
19:48 <+iant> no worries
19:48 <+iant> you wind up writing if x { return y } return z
19:48 <+iant> without the else
19:48 < ni|> right, thats how i could make it smaller :)
19:50 < ni|> iant: anyways are there any fun things to work on right now?
19:50 < ni|> i'm on spring break and just finished thesis so i have time to
play with other stuff
19:51 -!- m1ndwarp [~m1ndwarp@vpn-eu1.unidsl.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 258
19:52 < KirkMcDonald> This reminds me.
19:52 < KirkMcDonald> I had found a bug in Go, and was going to see if it
was a known issue...
19:54 < KirkMcDonald> Nothing about it in the tracker.
19:54 * KirkMcDonald makes test case to share with the group.
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19:56 < wrtp> is exec.Run written deliberately so that it's not possible to
start a command with its output going to an opened file?
19:57 < wrtp> well, i suppose you can (by changing os.Stdout), but not in a
thread-safe way
19:57 -!- m1ndwarp [~m1ndwarp@dynamic-unidsl-85-197-29-20.westend.de] has joined
19:57 <+iant> you can do it thread-safe by opening a file in append mode,
and passing that file as stdout to exec.Run
19:58 <+iant> this is more or less a consequence of how Unix fork/exec works
19:58 < wrtp> how can you pass a file to exec.Run ?
19:58 <+iant> exec.Run takes a list of os.File's, doesn't it?
19:58 < wrtp> i think the conclusion i've come to is you have to use
19:58 < wrtp> iant: no
19:58 -!- iant [~iant@nat/google/x-eszliivrhpldzcla] has quit [Remote host closed
the connection]
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19:59 < KirkMcDonald> It takes stdin, stdout, and stderr fds.
19:59 <+iant> oh yeah, exec.Run only takes descriptors, never mind
19:59 <+iant> you would have to open the descriptor in append mode, then
19:59 < wrtp> it doesn't even take descriptors
20:00 < KirkMcDonald> wrtp: It takes ints.
20:00 < KirkMcDonald> wrtp: These are descriptors.
20:00 <+iant> a file descriptor is an int
20:00 < wrtp> it takes special constants, e.g.  PassThrough,
MergeWithStdout, Pipe etc
20:00 <+iant> on Unix
20:00 < wrtp> in exec.Run, they're not descriptors
20:00 <+iant> you are quite right, sorry
20:01 < wrtp> that's what puzzled me to start with
20:01 <+iant> I guess you do need to use os.ForkExec
20:01 < wrtp> now i see that it's just a higher level interface to
20:01 < KirkMcDonald> Huh, and here I thought those were fds.
20:01 < wrtp> yeah.  slightly odd, but i suppose if you look at it as a
replacement for popen...
20:02 < wrtp> KirkMcDonald: perhaps it should have its own type.  then you
might get a compiler error if you passed an int variable to it
20:02 < KirkMcDonald> Yes, that would make sense.
20:03 -!- KnightMage [~jon@cpc1-nmal11-0-0-cust468.croy.cable.virginmedia.com] has
quit [Remote host closed the connection]
20:04 < wrtp> sometimes i wonder if it'd be nice to be able to tag a type so
that conversion from an untyped constant is not automatic
20:05 <+iant> "explicit"
20:05 <+iant> actually you can do something like that by using a private
type with public const values
20:06 < KirkMcDonald> There were a couple of libraries which I wanted to
steal from Python.
20:06 < KirkMcDonald> Specifically, optparse, logging, and subprocess.
20:07 < wrtp> iant: oh really?!
20:07 < KirkMcDonald> iant: Ohh, that would do it.
20:07 < KirkMcDonald> Anyway, the 'exec' package gives about 90% of what
subprocess does, so that's okay.
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#go-nuts []
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20:10 < KirkMcDonald> The "log" package is somewhat more rudimentary than
what I'd really like, though.
20:10 < KirkMcDonald> Perhaps reimplementing Python's "logging" will be my
next project.
20:10 * wrtp can never remember the arguments to give to gopack
20:11 <+iant> gopack is just like ar
20:11 <+iant> gopack grc
20:11 <+iant> well, the g command is new
20:11 -!- nettok_ [~netto@] has joined #go-nuts
20:12 < KirkMcDonald> The things which exec doesn't do: Passing fds (or,
really, file objects) as the standard pipes of the subprocess, and the
"communicate" method.
20:14 < wrtp> yeah, it's the g i always forget
20:14 -!- nettok [~netto@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
20:14 < wrtp> what does the communicate method do?
20:15 < KirkMcDonald> It does two things.
20:15 < KirkMcDonald> You pass it a string, which it writes to the stdin of
the process.
20:15 < KirkMcDonald> Then it blocks until the process is done, and returns
a 2-tuple of strings, containing the stdout and stderr of the process.
20:15 < KirkMcDonald> And it does this while attempting to avoid filling up
the buffers on the pipes.
20:16 -!- jajamana [~jcb@cm-] has joined #go-nuts
20:16 < KirkMcDonald> (And thus deadlocking.)
20:16 -!- jcb_ [~jcb@cm-] has joined #go-nuts
20:16 < wrtp> i see.  it's more or less the equivalent of x = `{echo $s |
20:16 < wrtp> (rc syntax)
20:17 < wrtp> iant: that unexported type thing is quite interesting.  it's
odd that you can declare a variable that's of the unexported type...  a strange
dark corner.
20:18 < wrtp> iant: i think i like it.  i wonder why nothing in the standard
libraries uses that technique.
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20:20 < wrtp> iant: oh i see, it's not very useful, because you can't pass
around values of that type.
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20:57 < brx> what is the difference between &Struct{} and new(Struct)?
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#go-nuts []
21:08 < KirkMcDonald> brx: Nothing, apart from being able to specify values
for the fields of the struct in the first one.
21:08 < KirkMcDonald> brx: Both allocate a struct on the heap and evaluate
to a pointer to that struct.
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21:12 < brx> KirkMcDonald: thank you :)
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quit [Quit: E se abbasso questa leva che succ...]
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["http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably.  Anywhere."]
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magic to Houdini]
22:52 < brx> when I use something like: for i, n := range numbers { ...  }
is there a way to "ignore" i?
22:52 < brx> since it's not used anywhere.
22:54 < KirkMcDonald> brx: for _, n := range foo {}
22:54 -!- TR2N [email@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
22:54 < brx> hah, weird, I could have sworn I had tried _ before, thank you
22:55 -!- HollyRain [~quassel@] has joined #go-nuts
22:57 < HollyRain> how to check several variables?  i.e.  if they're empty
22:58 < HollyRain> does works like for i=[foo, bar, var] ?
22:58 < KirkMcDonald> HollyRain: What does "empty" mean in this context?
22:59 < HollyRain> if foo == ""
22:59 < KirkMcDonald> HollyRain: You'll need to do e.g.: if a == nil && b ==
"" && c == 0 {}
22:59 < HollyRain> ok, thx
23:00 < HollyRain> I was thinking in python way
23:00 < HollyRain> for myself
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["http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably.  Anywhere."]
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23:53 < uriel> mmm...
23:53 < uriel> http://code.google.com/p/goprotobuf/ seems to redirect to
23:54 < uriel> and maybe I'm not awake, but can't find the Go code there,
I'm blind?
23:56 -!- cmarcelo [~cmarcelo@enlightenment/developer/cmarcelo] has quit [Quit:
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--- Log closed Wed Mar 24 00:00:31 2010