Go Language Resources Go, golang, go... NOTE: This page ceased updating in October, 2012

--- Log opened Mon Aug 09 00:00:05 2010
00:17 -!- plexdev [~plexdev@arthur.espians.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240
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00:23 < nf> 4/whois mahemoff
00:23 < nf> d'oh ;)
00:25 < mahemoff> 4/whois nf
00:25 < mahemoff> mia culpa
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248 seconds]
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00:34 < nf> haha
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This computer has gone to sleep]
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Connection reset by peer]
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01:30 < plexdev> http://is.gd/e9mgc by [Alex Brainman] in 2 subdirs of
go/src/pkg/ -- os: fix ForkExec() handling of envv == nil
01:32 < gabriel9> hi all
01:32 < gabriel9> is there any chance to build some GUI aplications in Go?
01:33 -!- carllerche [~carllerch@] has joined #go-nuts
01:33 < gabriel9> With Qt
01:34 < skelterjohn> i think that there has been some work with qt
01:35 < gabriel9> do you have any link?
01:35 < skelterjohn> i just searched
http://go-lang.cat-v.org/library-bindings and didn't see anything
01:35 < skelterjohn> maybe send an email to the list
01:35 < skelterjohn> oh no - it is gtk i'm thinking of
01:36 < gabriel9> :(
01:37 < gabriel9>
01:38 < gabriel9> for now i should use JS or Java to build stuff for KDE
01:38 -!- carllerche [~carllerch@] has quit [Client Quit]
01:47 < plexdev> http://is.gd/e9ngv by [Alex Brainman] in
go/src/pkg/runtime/windows/ -- runtime: free memory returned by windows
01:52 -!- boscop_ [~boscop@g227012057.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #go-nuts
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timeout: 276 seconds]
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276 seconds]
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host closed the connection]
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reset by peer]
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Morten.  Desu~]
06:40 -!- werdan7 [~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7] has joined #go-nuts
06:42 < nsf> omg, even C will include some form of generics (from C1X
draft): Type-generic expressions using the _Generic keyword (#define cbrt(X)
_Generic((X), long double: cbrtl, default: cbrt, float: cbrtf)(X))
06:51 < rsaarelm> Woah.
06:53 < KirkMcDonald> ...  huh.
06:54 < nsf> looks scary though
06:54 < nsf> :)
07:01 -!- ikaros [~ikaros@dslb-094-219-209-053.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined
07:02 < KirkMcDonald> I think I can see what it is doing.
07:02 < KirkMcDonald> It is picking the expression based on the type of X.
07:04 < nsf> yes, it's a type-generic expression :)
07:05 < nsf> basically unusable without preprocessor
07:05 < nsf> and almost certainly forces you to use double evaluation macro
07:06 < nsf> which is..  scary
07:16 -!- carllerche [~carllerch@] has quit [Quit: carllerche]
07:35 -!- Fish-Work [~Fish@] has joined #go-nuts
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07:53 -!- ikaros [~ikaros@dslb-094-219-209-053.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Quit:
Leave the magic to Houdini]
07:57 -!- Tiger_ [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
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timeout: 276 seconds]
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reset by peer]
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09:01 -!- inittab [~dlbeer@ip-118-90-56-177.xdsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #go-nuts
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quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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09:26 < taruti> Is there a way to wrap interface values doubly i.e.  I have
a function taking interface{} and would like to pass it an interface-value and get
reflect.Typeof operate on that interface rather than the concrete type beneath
09:27 -!- napsy [~luka@tm.] has joined #go-nuts
09:27 < taruti> i.e.  when I pass FooStruct as interface{} reflect.Typeof
gets -> FooStruct.  When I pass FooIFace(FooStruct) reflection gets FooStruct
instead of FooIFace (what is what I want).
09:29 < jcao219> probably be best to ask this on the mailing list?
09:29 < jcao219> i'm not sure, i'm very new to go
09:30 < jcao219> and lots of people are sleeping right now :)
09:32 -!- scm [justme@d019254.adsl.hansenet.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 265
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09:40 < rsaarelm> taruti: I guess you could try using reflect.InterfaceValue
and its Set method with another InterfaceValue.
09:43 < taruti> rsaarelm: the issue is that when doing NewValue on the
interface{} passed it goes through the interface to the original type
09:44 < taruti> rsaarelm: foo(v interface{}) { NewValue(v) };
foo(MyIFace(MyFoo)) -> the NewValue produces a MyFoo
09:45 < taruti> when I'd like to get a MyIFace
09:45 < rsaarelm> Yeah, it looks like the interface part gets mangled away
in the NewValue call.
09:46 < taruti> i.e.  when serializing a "var d MyIFace = MyIFace(MyFoo);
Serialize(d); /* sees type MyFoo */; Deserialize(&d) /* expects MyIFace but finds
MyFoo and thus fails */
09:48 < taruti> NewValue just calls unsafe.Reflect and has no magic for
09:48 < rsaarelm> Do you also need to know which of several interfaces the
object is, or do you just want a specific interface value?
09:49 -!- jcao219 [~Jimmy_Cao@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
09:49 < rsaarelm> If a specific interface value is good enough, a nasty hack
to get at one could be to wrap the value in a single-field struct where the field
has that interface as the type.
09:49 < taruti> rsaarelm: just need to preserve it to maintain types in
09:50 < taruti> which lacks a nil-value
09:51 < taruti> hmm, passing a pointer could work
09:52 < rsaarelm> If you deserialize into interface values, you can have
types MyFoo, MyBar, MyBaz which all fit to the interface and have different
constructors, so the serialization system would have to do something clever about
those anyway.
09:53 * taruti hacks the pointer idea
09:57 -!- nsf [~nsf@jiss.convex.ru] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.3.3]
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10:18 < araujo> hello
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quit [Quit: E se abbasso questa leva che succ...]
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closed the connection]
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12:17 < nsf>
12:17 < nsf> nice commit, lol
12:17 < nsf> zillion of changes :)
12:18 < bartbes> so how usable is it?
12:18 < exch> gotta love commits that rbeak everything ^^ I regularly change
stuff in my packages that does that..  Sometimes even a full rewrite
12:19 < nsf> well I tested it a bit
12:19 < nsf> I guess it is usable
12:19 < nsf> I'll drop a summary now to the ML thread
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12:37 < araujo> mmm...
12:38 < araujo> about unsafe.Pointer ....  I guess the way to retrieve a
value from it is casting to the right pointer type??
12:41 -!- virtualsue [~chatzilla@nat/cisco/x-oppflnfmolyulqxd] has joined #go-nuts
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12:47 < exch> yes
12:47 < exch> It doesnt have to be a pointer type either
12:51 < araujo> ooh, I see ..  let's try
12:52 < araujo> sounds dangerous >:]
12:52 < exch> it can be, but also a nice trick if used with care
12:54 -!- crashR [~crasher@codextreme.pck.nerim.net] has joined #go-nuts
12:59 < exch> http://pastebin.com/dEQdk3WV example of it's use and it's
13:00 < taruti> Has anyone else managed to make godoc dump documentation for
a non-installed package?
13:00 * araujo checks
13:01 < Namegduf> It seems like it parses the source, not the installed
13:01 < Namegduf> I have got it to show documentation for out-of-main-tree
13:01 < taruti> Namegduf: it parses from under the goroot and I need to use
it for out-of-main-tree stuff
13:01 < Namegduf> Okay, in that case, yes, I have figured it out.
13:01 < Namegduf> Hold on a sec.
13:02 < Namegduf> -path=/Path/to/more/packages
13:02 < Namegduf> It's incredibly stupid on my system
13:02 < Namegduf> And only binds to IPv6 addresses
13:02 < taruti> Namegduf: that doesn't seem to work when dumping the
13:02 < taruti> i.e.  "godoc -path /foo/bar packagename" does not work
13:03 < Namegduf> That's because it calls it bar/packagename
13:03 < Namegduf> It prefixes package names with the last directory of path.
13:04 < Namegduf> With that, it works here.
13:04 < Namegduf> (This means if you use a src subdirectory in your program,
you get stupid names.
13:06 < araujo> *(*B)(unsafe.Pointer(&a))
13:06 < araujo> exch, unsafe point a , cast to a pointer of B and get the
value out of it ?
13:06 < taruti> ah.  "godoc -path . ."
13:07 < nsf> argh..  I hate those scopes
13:08 < nsf> I have failed again
13:08 < nsf> to make it right
13:08 < exch> note that unsafe.Pointer takes a pointer type (&a), so cast it
to a pointer type and the dereference it to get the value
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13:14 < araujo> yeah, noticed that exch
13:14 < araujo> :)
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timeout: 248 seconds]
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No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]
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14:40 < plexdev> http://is.gd/ea5A4 by [Nicholas Waples] in go/src/pkg/asn1/
-- asn1 incorrectly encoded signed integers.  When determining the
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closed the connection]
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16:44 < jlouis> question: If I define type MyFile os.File, why can't I call,
say, mf.Read() on it?  error message is: mf.Read undefined (type MyFile has no
field Read)
16:45 < jlouis> I could define it a single field struct, like type MyFile
struct { f *os.File } and then proceed to write all the different interface
wrappers I need.  Can't I circumvent that boilerplate?
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by peer]
16:57 < cbeck> yes, make the f field anonymous
16:57 < cbeck> so type MyFile struct { os.File }
16:57 -!- sacho [~sacho@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by
16:57 < cbeck> jlouis: ^^
16:58 < cbeck> See http://golang.org/doc/go_spec.html#Struct_types for a
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timeout: 276 seconds]
17:02 < jlouis> cbeck: thankyou
17:03 < skelterjohn> i'm surprised you can't call mf.Read...
17:03 < skelterjohn> i feel like i have done the analogous thing before
17:04 < skelterjohn> what type is mf...  MyFile or *MyFile?
17:04 < jlouis> *MyFile
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17:05 < jlouis> cbecks suggestion works like a charm, but I do not grok why
I need to wrap it in a struct
17:06 < jlouis> The types must be different in a subtle way
17:06 < skelterjohn> hmm, i checked and you're right - don't seem to be able
to do that
17:06 < cbeck> Because all casts are explicit
17:07 < jlouis> cbeck: ah, so os.File and MyFile are different types to the
type checker
17:07 < cbeck> exactly
17:07 < jlouis> ...  and not a type synonym
17:07 < cbeck> I wish there was a type synonym keyword, but alas
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17:08 < skelterjohn> why do you wish that?
17:09 -!- deso [~deso@x0561a.wh30.tu-dresden.de] has joined #go-nuts
17:10 < jlouis> type synonyms can save a lot of notation
17:10 < jlouis> ocaml: type point = int * int * int;; for instance
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17:11 < skelterjohn> i don't know ocaml, and i'm having a hard time
deciphering what you've written there
17:11 < skelterjohn> int 3-tuples?
17:12 < jlouis> skelterjohn: the left hand side is the definition of a new
type name 'point'.  The right hand side defines a product type (a tuple) with
three ints, yes
17:12 < skelterjohn> with * meaning the cross operator?
17:12 < jlouis> * is the product type
17:12 < skelterjohn> in set theory, we say something like Z x Z x Z would be
the set of all integer 3-tuples
17:12 < jlouis> # (1,2,3);;
17:12 < jlouis> - : int * int * int = (1, 2, 3)
17:12 < skelterjohn> x read "cross"
17:13 < jlouis> yes, it is the same at the type theory level
17:14 < jlouis> you could make it into a named record as well, that is more
akin ot a C struct: type point = { x : int; y : int; z : int }
17:14 < jlouis> internally, it is the same thing, but now you have
identifier names for each element type
17:15 < skelterjohn> so, all this is possible in go, except that you then
have to do explicit casting when calling functions that expect certain exact types
17:16 < jlouis> we came from writing type synonyms, as in declare that one
name is the same as another name
17:16 < jlouis> in go, 'type MyFile os.File' declares a new type MyFile
which can not be used interchangely with os.File
17:18 < cbeck> I wonder how that works around embedded structs, I'll have to
experiment a bit
17:18 < cbeck> the casting, that is
17:18 < jlouis> what makes 'type MyFile { *os.File }' work correctly is the
promotion rule on struct types which cbeck linked to
17:19 < skelterjohn> you can't cast embedded structs back to whence they
came - i just tested
17:20 < skelterjohn> btw if you use things of type *MyFile, you may want to
"type MyFile { os.File }" rather than *os.File
17:27 < jcao2191> hi
17:27 < jlouis> yeah
17:27 < jcao2191> i have a question
17:27 < jlouis> thanks
17:27 < jcao2191> how do you convert any thing into a []byte?
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17:28 < jcao2191> let's say you have a struct
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17:28 < plexdev> http://is.gd/eagrl by [Evan Shaw] in go/src/pkg/big/ --
big: Several fixes to bitwise functions
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17:30 < skelterjohn> jcao2191: you can use the unsafe package to get a
pointer to the beginning of the struct, and pretend that it is the beginning of a
byte array
17:30 < skelterjohn> (not a byte slice, mind you)
17:30 < jlouis> jcao2191: alternatively, if you are on a marshalling spree,
the gob packag is the way to go AFAIK
17:30 < jcao2191> oh okay thank you
17:30 < jlouis> package*
17:31 < jcao2191> i need to get rid of this extra one on my nick lol
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BigBrowser is watching ⓎⓄⓊ]
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timeout: 258 seconds]
17:36 < angasule> how would one go about doing conditional compiling of a
certain submodule?  If for example a certain library/package isn't available or
17:38 < skelterjohn> this sounds like a make question rather than a go
17:38 < jlouis> angasule: one way is what is done (statically) is
17:40 < cbeck> Interesting, apropos our earlier conversation, if I had 'type
MyFile struct { os.File } ...  var mf MyFile' and wanted to use the wrapped file
value, the syntax would be 'f := mf.File'
17:40 < cbeck> Which makes sense, but seems like it could cause issues
17:40 < jcao219> i have another another question :-[, since i'm so new to
these things
17:40 < jcao219> now that I have a pointer to my struct, how do I treat it
as a []byte?
17:41 < angasule> jlouis: aren't those independent programs?
17:41 < cbeck> since it means type MyFile {os.File\nsomeotherpackage.File}
would actually cause a collision
17:42 -!- snearch [~snearch@f053002013.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #go-nuts
17:42 < cbeck> Although it may be of the "No collision errors unless the
colliding names are used" things
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17:51 < jcao219> how do I pretend that the pointer to the beginning of a
struct is the beginning of a byte array?
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18:00 < plexdev> http://is.gd/eaixo by [Scott Lawrence] in
go/src/cmd/goinstall/ -- goinstall docs: fixed typos
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reset by peer]
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18:27 < skelterjohn> jcao219 left, but: http://pastebin.com/qYw0k2Gv
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19:04 < araujo> if I have a function taking as value a specific interface,
it means I can use any of the available method of such a interface over the
arguments of the function without requiring type assertions???
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19:06 < MizardX> araujo: Yes.  It wouldn't be much of a point to use
interfaces otherwise.
19:07 * araujo wouldn't find any reason for interfaces if some kind of type
assertion is required here
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19:14 < araujo> MizardX, ok, get it
19:14 < araujo> MizardX, do you know how/if I can get the value out of a
unsafe.Pointer ?
19:14 < araujo> (without casting)
19:15 < KirkMcDonald> Man.
19:15 < KirkMcDonald> You're using unsafe, and worried about *casting*?
19:15 < araujo> KirkMcDonald, well, I just want to get the value out of it
...  plain * works?
19:15 < araujo> :P
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19:18 * nsf is building gccgo
19:18 < nsf> let's see how it works :P
19:20 < araujo> KirkMcDonald, well, I just want to indirect it
19:22 < skelterjohn> you want to get a "value" from a pointer without
casting?  that doesn't even make sense to me
19:22 < skelterjohn> why wouldn't you cast it to, for instance, a uin64
19:22 < skelterjohn> uint64
19:22 < skelterjohn> oh you mean dereference
19:23 < skelterjohn> something that is type unsafe.Pointer doesn't have a
meaningful dereference
19:23 < araujo> mm I see
19:23 < araujo> skelterjohn, well, but that is pointing somewhere right?
19:24 < skelterjohn> yes
19:24 < araujo> I just want to bring whatever it is pointing to
19:24 < skelterjohn> you'll need to know its type to do that
19:24 -!- snearch [~snearch@f053002013.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Quit:
19:24 < araujo> ok, that is what I mean ..  about bringing it without
"casting", or knowing its type ...
19:24 < araujo> I see
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19:25 < skelterjohn> the Pointer type doesn't preserve information about the
original type of the data being pointed to
19:25 < skelterjohn> so to dereference it in a meaningful way, you'll need
to provide the type that you want to use for the data
19:25 < nsf> gccgo's lib misses strings.Replace :(
19:25 < araujo> I see
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19:26 < nsf> it appears to be out-of-date
19:26 < skelterjohn> for instance, i made this example for someone earlier:
19:26 < skelterjohn> which treats it as a pointer to a byte array
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19:37 < nsf> hehe, my test app panics if compiled with gccgo
19:37 < nsf> runs fine if 8g
19:38 < nsf> bye bye gccgo :)
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22:18 < plexdev> http://is.gd/eayBB by [Rob Pike] in go/src/pkg/regexp/ --
regexp: document that backslashes are the escape character.
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the connection]
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Leave the magic to Houdini]
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timeout: 240 seconds]
--- Log closed Tue Aug 10 00:00:05 2010