Go Language Resources Go, golang, go... NOTE: This page ceased updating in October, 2012

--- Log opened Mon May 02 00:00:50 2011
00:09 -!- prip [~foo@host91-196-dynamic.17-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has
joined #go-nuts
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00:46 -!- jessta_ [~jessta@li7-205.members.linode.com] has left #go-nuts [""...and
that all I have to say about that""]
00:48 -!- wjlroe [~will@78-86-14-131.zone2.bethere.co.uk] has joined #go-nuts
00:48 < wjlroe> How can you do here documents in Go? Such as var =
<<HERE ...  etc in Ruby
00:49 < dfc> wjlroe: yes
00:49 < dfc> var a = `this
00:49 < dfc> comment
00:49 < dfc> has
00:49 < dfc> newlines`
00:50 < dfc> is that what you were looking for
00:50 -!- jyxent [~jyxent@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset
by peer]
00:50 < wjlroe> kinda - except it doesn't allow ` in the string
00:50 < wjlroe> which is why here documents exist
00:50 < wjlroe> is that the only way?
00:51 < dfc> what is the problem you are trying to solve ?
00:55 < wjlroe> I have a bunch of html and js that I will have as constants
at the end of a file, such as jquery, which will be used to bootstrap a website -
spat onto the filesystem.
00:55 < wjlroe> It makes most sense for them to be in HERE doc strings,
otherwise I'll have to escape backticks or whatever
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00:56 < wjlroe> the other option, is to read the files into constants before
compilation so that they are contained in the binary, but I can't find a suitable
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01:08 -!- nkdnstbr [~nkdnstbr@cpe-173-172-231-83.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined
01:11 < dfc> how prevelent is the backtick in your source ?
01:11 < wjlroe> it's the jQuery source.  even though I've replaced ` with
\`, it's still won't compile - something else is tripping it up
01:12 < dfc> there is no escaping inside ` sections `
01:12 < wjlroe> unexpected literal, expecting semicolon or newline
01:13 < dfc> yup, i see the problem
01:13 < dfc> i don't think you'll be able to do that in go source then
01:13 < wjlroe> and there are no header files or anything else to include
stuff in a binary is there?
01:14 < dfc> you might be able to do something clever with cgo
01:14 < dfc> what about using
01:14 < dfc> func init() {
01:14 < dfc> jquere := ioutil.ReadAll("path/to/jquery.js")
01:14 < dfc> or something
01:15 < wjlroe> but then it relies on a file on the filesystem at runtime
01:15 < dfc> yes
01:15 < dfc> ooooooooooor
01:15 < wjlroe> I want to allow the compiled binary to be used as is
01:15 < dfc> you could base64 encode jquery
01:15 < wjlroe> that would work
01:15 < dfc> that code should be safe for ` `
01:20 < wjlroe> I think thats worked so far.
01:25 -!- dshep [~user@c-76-21-12-46.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #go-nuts
01:33 < plexdev> http://is.gd/mgmPQq by [Brad Fitzpatrick] in
go/src/pkg/mime/multipart/ -- multipart: return an error on Reader EOF, not (nil,
01:34 -!- thiago__ [~thiago@] has quit [Ping
timeout: 240 seconds]
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Connection reset by peer]
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Lost terminal]
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03:13 -!- ako [~nya@fuld-590c7fe1.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Quit:
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Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)"]
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MacIrssi - http://www.sysctl.co.uk/projects/macirssi/]
04:29 -!- watr_ [~rom@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by
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04:42 -!- tylerl [~tylerl@ip24-251-232-171.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #go-nuts
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04:44 < tylerl> where goes GOMAXPROCS get its initial value?
04:45 < tylerl> oh.  nevermind.  it's a constant...  1
04:46 < tylerl> I thought it was looking at the number of cores or
something.  Aw well.
04:47 -!- gtaylor [~gtaylor@99-5-124-9.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit
[Quit: gtaylor]
04:48 -!- nkdnstbr [~nkdnstbr@cpe-173-172-231-83.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined
04:53 < dfc> tylerl: nope, GOMAXPROC is the number of OS level threads
allowed to execute goroutines
04:53 < dfc> concurrently
04:53 < tylerl> dfc: i know -- what i mean is how it gets its initial value
04:53 < dfc> yeah, it's a constant, 1
04:54 < dfc> overridden by a env var of the same name if present
04:55 -!- boscop_ [~boscop@g225220169.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #go-nuts
04:56 < tylerl> did a little performance testing, and with a max of 1, not
using (simultaneous) goroutines is significantly faster than using them.  But if
you increase to match your number of CPUS, that performance gap disappears
04:56 < tylerl> about a 4x speedup
04:57 -!- boscop [~boscop@g230103121.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240
05:00 -!- edsrzf [~edsrzf@122-61-221-144.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #go-nuts
05:01 -!- Viriix [~joseph@c-67-169-172-251.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined
05:02 -!- fabled [~fabled@] has joined #go-nuts
05:04 -!- fmoo [~Adium@c-76-102-41-101.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #go-nuts
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host closed the connection]
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[~boomtoppe@cpc12-nrte22-2-0-cust249.8-4.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined
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[~boomtoppe@cpc12-nrte22-2-0-cust249.8-4.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Read
error: Operation timed out]
07:26 -!- Cobi [~Cobi@2002:1828:88fb:0:aede:48ff:febe:ef03] has quit [Ping
timeout: 264 seconds]
07:28 -!- dfc [~dfc@eth59-167-133-99.static.internode.on.net] has quit [Ping
timeout: 258 seconds]
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reset by peer]
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09:01 < uriel> interesting project: http://code.google.com/p/diskv/
09:01 < ww> uriel: yes, i just saw that too
09:02 < ww> and in fact, again, with GoLD, i find that i need something like
exactly that to stuff xml blobs
09:03 < ww> you want to talk about okf yet?  :P
09:04 < uriel> no, sorry :)
09:06 < ww> well, come to berlin at the end of june and we'll talk then :)
09:10 -!- nkdnstbr [~nkdnstbr@cpe-173-172-231-83.rgv.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit:
Lost terminal]
09:12 -!- rlab [~Miranda@] has joined #go-nuts
09:14 -!- vinisterx [~ryan@74-129-201-27.dhcp.insightbb.com] has quit [Quit:
WeeChat 0.3.2]
09:18 -!- tylerl [~tylerl@ip24-251-232-171.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Quit: leaving]
09:19 < uriel> really want to go to Berlin, but not sure when I will be able
to, might not be until the fall :(
09:43 -!- GeertJohan [~Squarc@ip4da06866.direct-adsl.nl] has quit [Remote host
closed the connection]
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09:50 -!- piranha [~piranha@5ED42E59.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #go-nuts
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[~boomtoppe@cpc12-nrte22-2-0-cust249.8-4.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined
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host closed the connection]
10:43 -!- zozoR [~Morten@2906ds2-arno.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #go-nuts
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joined #go-nuts
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11:19 -!- huin [~huin@] has quit [Quit: off out]
11:28 < uriel> ww: I do have a question, do you know if if the ODDC
(http://openforchange.info/oddc/) is a regular event?  If so I might want to
participate next year...
11:31 -!- karpar [~karpar@] has quit [Quit: Bye!]
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11:32 -!- artefon [~thiago@dhcp17.usuarios.dcc.ufmg.br] has joined #go-nuts
11:33 < ww> uriel: that's a new one to me...  i wonder if it has anything to
do with IATI...
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11:35 -!- DerHorst [~Horst@e176109159.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #go-nuts
11:36 < uriel> no clue, just ran into it
11:39 < ww> there certainly is a lot of activity around open data and
transparency these days
11:39 * ww resists the urge to wax cynical about the political motivations behind
11:39 < uriel> dunno why I thought the okf was involved, I think i got there
from a link in the okf site
11:39 < ww> it is quite possible
11:40 < ww> we do have a project that sounds very closely related, with IATI
11:41 < ww> and quite a few collegues in the netherlands as well...
11:42 -!- shvntr [~shvntr@] has joined #go-nuts
11:42 < ww> uriel: yes, our IATI project guy,
irc://irc.freenode.net/pudo,isnick will be there
11:43 < ww> or rahter irc://irc.oftc.net/pudo,isnick
11:43 < uriel> what is IATI anyway?
11:43 < ww> http://www.aidtransparency.net/
11:44 < ww> un bodies and foreign ministries give data on what they fund,
where, when, etc
11:45 < uriel> oh, bureaucratic jargon!  yay
11:45 * uriel sighs
11:46 * ww again resists the urge to wax cynical
11:47 < ww> i spent a little while working for the undp...  and am pretty
sure the difference between reality on the ground and reality as expressed in xml
is vast
11:47 < uriel> expressed in xml?  oh dear, oh dear
11:48 < ww> if "expressed" is the right word
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has joined #go-nuts
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has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
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has joined #go-nuts
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Operation timed out]
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Connection reset by peer]
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timeout: 252 seconds]
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13:41 < jnwhiteh> does anyone know if len() on a map is terribly slow?
13:41 < jnwhiteh> I suppose I can just keep my own count either way.
13:41 < aiju> it should be relatively fast
13:41 < aiju> you shouldn't do microoptimizations on that basis anyway
13:41 < aiju> measure
13:41 < jnwhiteh> Fair =)
13:42 * jnwhiteh slaps his wrist
13:48 < Namegduf> I believe it is fast and a count is kept.
13:48 < Namegduf> I think that question was asked on the mailing list
13:49 < Namegduf> But yeah.
13:49 < Namegduf> Write code to be pretty, optimise from profiling, and you
get the best compromise of pretty and fast; pretty where speed doesn't matter,
less pretty in critical parts.
13:49 < jnwhiteh> aye, I've already slapped my own wrist
13:50 < jnwhiteh> I should have known better, since I respond the same way
about 10 times a day to other programmers :P
13:50 < ww> yes, when that question was asked, i looked at the
implementation...  the first element in the maphash data structure is a count so
it should be very fast
13:50 < Namegduf> (If necessary)
13:51 < Namegduf> Hehe.
13:51 -!- GeertJohan [~Squarc@ip4da06866.direct-adsl.nl] has quit [Remote host
closed the connection]
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13:56 < uriel> ww: damn, just missed the cfp deadline for okcon this year by
a day, bleh!
14:01 < ww> uriel: it was extended i think
14:02 < ww>
14:02 < ww> extended until may 9th
14:02 -!- Kafo [~Henry@a91-152-191-94.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #go-nuts
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14:04 * ww makes a mental not to introduce daniel to the enter key
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14:09 < gmilleramilar> so quiet around here without nsf
14:09 < uriel> oh, awesome
14:09 < uriel> gmilleramilar: hah
14:09 < gmilleramilar> anyone stepped up to maintain/update gocode?
14:10 < gmilleramilar> don't everyone speak up at once.
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14:12 < skelterjohn> it's a tough sell, taking over someone else's project
14:14 < gmilleramilar> i hear you.  but it's a small enough code base that I
figured some rabid user might take it on.
14:19 -!- pharris [~Adium@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
14:20 -!- artefon [~thiago@dhcp17.usuarios.dcc.ufmg.br] has quit [Quit: bye]
14:21 -!- pharris [~Adium@rhgw.opentext.com] has joined #go-nuts
14:27 < plexdev> http://is.gd/qEig1P by [Brad Fitzpatrick] in 2 subdirs of
go/src/pkg/ -- png: speed up opaque RGBA encoding
14:27 < plexdev> http://is.gd/uOsxGz by [Brad Fitzpatrick] in
go/src/pkg/image/jpeg/ -- jpeg: speed up RGBA encoding ~%50
14:30 < GeertJohan> Hey :)
14:30 < GeertJohan> how to turn a int to string ?
14:31 < ww> fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
14:31 < GeertJohan> yes but that prints the output right?
14:31 < GeertJohan> I want the string as var
14:31 < ww> right, s := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
14:31 < ww> or i think you can also do strconv.Itoa(i)
14:32 < GeertJohan> ah :)
14:32 < GeertJohan> great :)
14:47 -!- araujo [~araujo@] has joined #go-nuts
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14:47 < skelterjohn> fmt.Sprintf does not print the output
14:47 < skelterjohn> it returns a string
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14:58 -!- jyxent [~jyxent@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset
by peer]
15:00 < plexdev> http://is.gd/kuyRAO by [Russ Cox] in 2 subdirs of
go/src/pkg/ -- runtime, sync/atomic: fix arm cas
15:00 < plexdev> http://is.gd/ALuFep by [Mikio Hara] in go/src/pkg/net/ --
net: fix ipv6 test
15:00 < plexdev> http://is.gd/OQ1662 by [Mikio Hara] in go/src/pkg/net/ --
net: enable SO_REUSEPORT on BSD variants
15:03 -!- zozoR [~Morten@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
15:05 -!- artefon [~thiago@dhcp17.usuarios.dcc.ufmg.br] has joined #go-nuts
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240 seconds]
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quit [Quit:  /(bb|[^b]{2})/]
15:16 -!- jhawk28 [~jhawk28@user-387c58d.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #go-nuts
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15:26 -!- piranha [~piranha@5ED42E59.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit:
Computer has gone to sleep.]
15:28 -!- Venom_X [~pjacobs@] has joined #go-nuts
15:34 -!- Project_2501 [~Marvin@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset
by peer]
15:36 -!- Project_2501 [~Marvin@dynamic-adsl-94-36-169-138.clienti.tiscali.it] has
joined #go-nuts
15:41 < plexdev> http://is.gd/j2gSPB by [Brad Fitzpatrick] in
go/src/pkg/mime/multipart/ -- multipart: add FileName accessor on Part
15:41 < plexdev> http://is.gd/XZPP5b by [Russ Cox] in 4 subdirs of
go/src/cmd/ -- 5a, 6a, 8a, cc: remove old environment variables
15:42 -!- GeertJohan [~Squarc@ip4da06866.direct-adsl.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
15:45 -!- Project_2501 [~Marvin@dynamic-adsl-94-36-169-138.clienti.tiscali.it] has
quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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joined #go-nuts
15:49 -!- vinisterx [~ryan@74-129-201-27.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #go-nuts
16:03 -!- hazmat [~hazmat@204-232-198-49.static.cloud-ips.com] has joined #go-nuts
16:05 -!- piranha [~piranha@5ED43A0B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #go-nuts
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quit [Quit: leaving]
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timeout: 276 seconds]
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16:27 -!- unofficialmvp [~dev@94-62-164-227.b.ipv4ilink.net] has joined #go-nuts
16:29 < skelterjohn> adg: it appears that the default makefiles don't build
against $GOPATH
16:29 < plexdev> http://is.gd/iZynHQ by [Robert Griesemer] in go/doc/ -- go
spec: restricted expressions may still be parenthesized
16:29 < skelterjohn> is this a future feature or am i doing something wrong?
16:29 < plexdev> http://is.gd/kJbbhk by [Robert Griesemer] in
go/src/pkg/go/token/ -- go/token: faster FileSet.Position implementation
16:31 -!- JIghtuse [~jightuse1@] has joined #go-nuts
16:32 < ww> adg: if you're paying attention to irc -- any idea when the
whole gomake/goinstall/build commands thing will be sorted?  (vague ballpark, e.g.
before july?)
16:33 < skelterjohn> ww: the latest weekly announcement indicated goinstall
could build cmds
16:33 < skelterjohn> i haven't tested it yet
16:34 < JIghtuse> Hello.  I written a program, which have some threads.
Threads must work with one external array, but how I can make threads not to
change array at same time?  Only one thread must have access to array.  Does
main() have to do this control?
16:34 -!- flaguy48 [~gmallard@user-0c6s350.cable.mindspring.com] has joined
16:35 -!- unofficialmvp [~dev@94-62-164-227.b.ipv4ilink.net] has left #go-nuts []
16:35 < skelterjohn> JIghtuse: you can use channels or a sync.Mutex to
control access to data
16:37 < JIghtuse> so, if I use channels, how it'll be looks like?  Like some
access flag on main()?
16:38 < skelterjohn> i don't know what an "access flag on main()" would look
16:38 < skelterjohn> but whether or not you use channels depends on what you
want to do to the array
16:38 < skelterjohn> it might be simplest to just use a mutex
16:39 < JIghtuse> skelterjohn: ok, I google to it.  I just install Go and
tries to complete some work, which I already make on C.
16:40 < skelterjohn> don't google - jsut go to the godoc :)
16:40 < skelterjohn> http://golang.org/pkg/sync
16:41 < JIghtuse> skelterjohn: thank you.
16:41 < skelterjohn> no problem.  ask again if you have questions
16:42 < JIghtuse> I want to show teacher that Go can do this work much more
simple than C.
16:42 < skelterjohn> cool
16:43 -!- GeertJohan [~Squarc@ip4da06866.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #go-nuts
16:43 < ww> skelterjohn: oh, that will be brilliant if it works
16:44 < ww> (modulo lastweekly on my staging host because freebsd is borked)
16:44 < ww> (well freebsd is fine, go on freebsd is borked)
16:46 < JIghtuse> how soon you think GCC 4.6 will enter the stable linux
16:48 < pTonnerre> Depends
16:48 < pTonnerre> Fedora will probably pick it up very soon
16:48 < pTonnerre> Debian may have it by 2015
16:49 < JIghtuse> I think gcc is more convenient to use to compile, and it
is easier to update.
16:49 < skelterjohn> i do not think that
16:49 < skelterjohn> i think they're both pretty easy to use
16:49 < JIghtuse> unfortunately, I use Debian =)
16:49 < skelterjohn> and it's trivial to update gc
16:55 -!- firwen [~firwen@2a01:e34:eea3:7e10:4a5b:39ff:fe51:e8ae] has joined
16:56 -!- ShadowIce
[~pyoro@HSI-KBW-109-193-120-162.hsi7.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has joined
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[~pyoro@HSI-KBW-109-193-120-162.hsi7.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de] has quit
[Changing host]
16:56 -!- ShadowIce [~pyoro@unaffiliated/shadowice-x841044] has joined #go-nuts
16:56 < JIghtuse> Is it real to translate some Go site pages?  Can
translations be include in official site?
16:59 < skelterjohn> ww: goinstall cmd building seems to be buggy
17:01 < skelterjohn>
17:01 < skelterjohn> i mean
17:06 -!- m4dh4tt3r [~Adium@70-36-236-40.dsl.static.sonic.net] has joined #go-nuts
17:07 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: apexo, kkress, PJRobins, @adg,
ognom, KBme, [Pete_27], Garen, Sebastian_, prip, (+15 more, use /NETSPLIT to show
all of them)
17:08 -!- Netsplit over, joins: KBme, evildho, prip, arun, firwen, JIghtuse,
pharris, Kafo, jbooth1, [Pete_27] (+15 more)
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joined #go-nuts
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17:14 < skelterjohn> adg: saw you accepted the issue - i'm around if you
want me to try anything
17:14 < skelterjohn> maybe it's just me
17:16 < plexdev> http://is.gd/oGZnCv by [Robert Griesemer] in
go/src/pkg/go/printer/testdata/ -- go/printer: make tests follow syntactic
17:17 -!- pixie^ [cuziei@app8.chatmosphere.org] has joined #go-nuts
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17:19 < pixie^> hey guys
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Connection reset by peer]
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17:26 < exch> lo
17:29 -!- Fish [~Fish@9fans.fr] has joined #go-nuts
17:45 -!- m4dh4tt3r [~Adium@70-36-236-40.dsl.static.sonic.net] has quit [Quit:
17:47 < exch> How does Go handle slice resizing when capacity is reached?
Is the capacity incremented to the amount needed to hold the new data, or is it
made larger?
17:47 < skelterjohn> size is doubled
17:47 < Namegduf> With append()?  Made larger.
17:47 < exch> k, thanks
17:48 < skelterjohn> this means that the amortized cost of append is
17:48 < skelterjohn> if you append one thing at a time
17:48 < exch> yea
17:49 < exch> I suppose that benefit was deemed more important than the
potential memory overhead with large slices
17:49 < skelterjohn> if you have large slices and you want to be more
efficient, you can size them on your own
17:49 < skelterjohn> the doubling trick is standard
17:49 < exch> provided you are aware of the size
17:49 -!- ww [~ww@river.styx.org] has joined #go-nuts
17:49 < skelterjohn> if you are not, then you don't want to reallocate all
that memory each time you were wrong :)
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17:57 -!- fabled [~fabled@] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
18:04 < plexdev> http://is.gd/GJJcXz by [Russ Cox] in go/misc/cgo/test/ --
misc/cgo/test: run tests
18:05 -!- DerHorst [~Horst@e176109159.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Remote host
closed the connection]
18:24 -!- rutkowski [~adrian@078088200195.walbrzych.vectranet.pl] has joined
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18:27 < gmilleramilar> is there a way to log garbage collections?
18:29 < skelterjohn> i know that godoc reports some information about memory
usage, and i think it does it after the GC finishes
18:29 < skelterjohn> maybe there is something in the godoc source
18:29 < gmilleramilar> yeah, I can get the stats from expvar.  I was
specifically looking to correlate GC pauses with some other behavior in my
application, and so I would need to see exactly when it was happening.
18:31 < skelterjohn> what is expvar?
18:32 < gmilleramilar> http://golang.org/pkg/expvar/
18:32 < gmilleramilar> the default variables have a bunch of GC stats in
18:33 < skelterjohn> interesting
18:34 < gmilleramilar> yes quite useful
18:35 -!- GeertJohan [~Squarc@ip4da06866.direct-adsl.nl] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
18:36 -!- TheMue [~TheMue@p5DDF542F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #go-nuts
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[~boomtoppe@cpc12-nrte22-2-0-cust249.8-4.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Ping
timeout: 252 seconds]
18:51 < JIghtuse> Is there effective to use "for i := 0; i < len(a); i++
{ ...  } " ? Will length computing at which loop?
18:51 -!- Project-2501 [~Marvin@] has joined #go-nuts
18:51 < JIghtuse> each loop I mean
18:52 < KirkMcDonald> for i, element := range a {} // innit?
18:54 < JIghtuse> ok, I already read this.  Amazing, Go grabs everything
coolest from most languages
18:54 < skelterjohn> len(a) is a constant time operation
18:54 < skelterjohn> a slice stores its size
18:54 -!- Project_2501 [~Marvin@dynamic-adsl-94-36-179-3.clienti.tiscali.it] has
quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
18:54 < skelterjohn> and len just looks at that value
18:55 < JIghtuse> whew, its good.
18:55 < skelterjohn> but using range is the right way to do it
18:55 < JIghtuse> I'll remember this
19:02 -!- PortatoreSanoDiI [~Marvin@] has joined #go-nuts
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258 seconds]
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19:37 < plexdev> http://is.gd/Ze0Ezb by [Brad Fitzpatrick] in 4 subdirs of
go/ -- os: make Setenv update C environment variables
19:47 -!- zanget [~zanget@hurf.durf.me] has joined #go-nuts
19:54 < ab3> is append thread save, in the sense that i have a nr of anon
functions that call a function that returns a slice an append this result to an
"all" slice.
19:54 < Namegduf> Slice access and modification in general is not.
19:57 -!- artefon [~thiago@] has joined
19:59 < ab3> k
20:01 -!- piranha [~piranha@5ED43A0B.cm-7-5a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit:
Computer has gone to sleep.]
20:09 < plexdev> http://is.gd/j379wK by [Brad Fitzpatrick] in
go/src/pkg/http/ -- http: fix racy test with a simpler version
20:10 -!- xash [~xash@d025029.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #go-nuts
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timeout: 240 seconds]
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joined #go-nuts
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20:27 < plexdev> http://is.gd/ADsdei by [Robert Griesemer] in 2 subdirs of
go/ -- godoc: added -index flag to enable/disable search index
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20:29 -!- kr [~Keith@c-24-5-193-165.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #go-nuts
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WeeChat 0.3.3-dev]
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the connection]
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20:46 < plexdev> http://is.gd/pmI0mq by [Brad Fitzpatrick] in
go/src/pkg/runtime/cgo/ -- runtime: maybe fix Windows build broken by cgo setenv
20:49 -!- Bigbear1 [~Cody@d173-181-58-84.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #go-nuts
20:49 < Bigbear1> Can you use Go to make a website?
20:49 < aiju> sure
20:49 -!- skelterjohn [~jasmuth@] has quit [Quit: skelterjohn]
20:49 < aiju> you can use brainfuck to make a website ;P
20:49 -!- Kafo [~Henry@a91-152-191-94.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [Read error:
Connection reset by peer]
20:55 -!- fmoo [~Adium@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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21:00 < dfr|work> aiju, now that sounds like an idea!
21:00 -!- pharris [~Adium@rhgw.opentext.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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21:06 -!- flaguy48 [~gmallard@user-0c6s350.cable.mindspring.com] has quit [Quit:
21:12 -!- Fish [~Fish@9fans.fr] has quit [Quit: So Long, and Thanks for All the
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host closed the connection]
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21:28 < waqas> Is there any lib for writing quick CRUD webapps?  I have a
datastructure on a Go server I want to be editable, but don't want to bother
writing the UI.
21:29 -!- maverickJesus [~maverick@94-195-146-173.zone9.bethere.co.uk] has quit
[Read error: Operation timed out]
21:32 < plexdev> http://is.gd/IfVgDN by [Brad Fitzpatrick] in
go/src/pkg/net/ -- net: default to, not localhost, in TestICMP
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21:49 < plexdev> http://is.gd/nZFMgT by [Russ Cox] in 2 subdirs of go/src/
-- http/pprof: fix POST reading bug
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[~boomtoppe@cpc12-nrte22-2-0-cust249.8-4.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Ping
timeout: 246 seconds]
21:56 -!- ShadowIce [~pyoro@unaffiliated/shadowice-x841044] has quit [Quit:
22:00 -!- awidegreen [~quassel@h-5-115.A212.priv.bahnhof.se] has quit [Ping
timeout: 248 seconds]
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22:14 -!- PortatoreSanoDiI [~Marvin@] has quit [Quit: E se abbasso
questa leva che succ...]
22:18 -!- aho [~nya@fuld-590c690d.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #go-nuts
22:21 < plexdev> http://is.gd/GSmYsR by [Rob Pike] in 2 subdirs of
go/src/pkg/image/ -- image: add type-specific Set methods and use them when
decoding PNG.
22:39 -!- |Craig| [~|Craig|@panda3d/entropy] has joined #go-nuts
22:53 -!- skelterjohn [~jasmuth@c-24-0-2-70.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has quit [Quit:
22:53 < plexdev> http://is.gd/4aqovE by [Rob Pike] in go/src/pkg/image/ --
image: fix build
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[Quit: Venom_X]
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joined #go-nuts
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Faster, Easier.  http://miranda-im.org]
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timeout: 264 seconds]
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--- Log closed Tue May 03 00:00:50 2011