Go Language Resources Go, golang, go... NOTE: This page ceased updating in October, 2012

--- Log opened Sun Aug 15 00:00:05 2010
00:03 -!- macroron [~ron@c-98-242-168-49.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #go-nuts
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Operation timed out]
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Leave the magic to Houdini]
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closed the connection]
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Operation timed out]
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02:23 -!- mikeg [~michael@ip68-110-226-15.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #go-nuts
02:26 < mikeg> I'm learning Go and am looking for a C++like vector type:
auto-resizing, typesafe (like a template), and order-preserving (so not a map).
Is there a Go container like this, or a Go-specific style/idiom?  Thanks :)
02:27 < cbeck> look at the vector package
02:27 < cbeck> http://golang.org/pkg/container/vector/
02:27 < mikeg> Yes, I need type assertions then, no?
02:28 < cbeck> Unless you're working with ints or strings, yes
02:28 < cbeck> There are no generics in go at present
02:28 < mikeg> Doh!  I am using a string now, but I have run into this
situation before with non-string types :)
02:30 < cbeck> Another possibility would be using a map[int]YOURTYPE
02:31 < cbeck> although iterating in order would mean extracting the keys
and sorting them
02:31 < cbeck> Depends on what you need to do with it
02:34 < mikeg> Yeah, that's an idea.  Use {N} as the key then just loop..
Anyways, I was hoping there was a map-like vector type
02:35 < cbeck> Not a primitive, no
02:36 < cbeck> Depending again on your needs, you might be able to get away
with a slice of a larger array, reslicing as needed
02:38 -!- jcao219 [~Jimmy_Cao@] has left #go-nuts []
02:39 < mikeg> I found a small function for array resizing on the golang ml
from Rob Pike, but again I was expecting a vector/ArrayList functionality
02:40 -!- nf [~nf@210-84-18-49.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #go-nuts
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Connection reset by peer]
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reset by peer]
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host closed the connection]
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04:27 -!- MizardX [~MizardX@unaffiliated/mizardx] has joined #go-nuts
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04:48 < jackman> am i banned here?
04:49 < cbeck> should you be?
04:49 < jackman> i don't think so
04:50 < jackman> irssi was just complaining at me 'cannot change nick while
banned on channel #go-nuts'
04:50 < cbeck> +i?
04:50 < jackman> +i.
04:50 < jackman> No worries.  :)
04:51 < jackman> thanks!
04:52 < cbeck> I've tun into that before, trying to remember what I did to
fix it
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This computer has gone to sleep]
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06:30 -!- eiffel [~eiffel@] has joined #go-nuts
06:32 < Namegduf> Garbage collection allows the most curious tricks.
06:33 < Namegduf> Like iterators which are safe against alterations of the
data structure between uses, because if they point to a node the node will still
exist, even if nothing in the structure references it anymore, and so will its
pointers, until you eventually iterate back into the parts of the structure that
still exist.
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06:36 -!- jdp [~gu@] has quit [Read error:
Connection reset by peer]
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07:20 < homa_rano> why does it always take 2-3 revisions to tag the new
07:23 < homa_rano> maybe if I submit a script that does it in one go they'll
stop doing that...
07:24 < taruti> homa_rano: that is a feature of mercurial
07:25 < homa_rano> yes, and they're making a change to the .hgtags
unnecessarily complicated
07:32 -!- ExtraSpice [~XtraSpice@] has joined #go-nuts
08:04 -!- femtoo [~femto@95-89-196-6-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #go-nuts
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264 seconds]
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timeout: 240 seconds]
08:37 < rsaarelm> The problem I had yesterday seems to be a bug.  I get
crashes when I do "var foo interface { ...stuff..  }", but not when I do "type bar
interface { ...stuff...  }; ...  var foo bar".
08:38 < rsaarelm> Well, at least that gives me a workaround until someone
gets around to looking at the issue I filed.
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09:30 < MizardX> rsaarelm: Not a general solution, but there is an interface
09:33 < rsaarelm> Ah, right.  That does fix my particular case, thanks.
09:33 < rsaarelm> So if I would've read the API docs more carefully to begin
with, I wouldn't have found a bug.
09:36 -!- rejb [~rejb@unaffiliated/rejb] has joined #go-nuts
09:40 < nsf> hehe, I've catched few bugs the same way
09:40 < nsf> by writing incorrect code :D
09:42 -!- vegai [vegai@archlinux/developer/vegai] has joined #go-nuts
09:42 < vegai> hey, prepared a possibly long awaited update on Arch
09:42 < vegai> 2010-03 -> 2010-08 coming up right now
09:44 < nsf> vegai: don't know how about others, but I've stopped using
PKGBUILDs for Go long time ago
09:44 < vegai> nsf: this is the go package in the community distro
09:44 < vegai> binary package
09:44 < nsf> Go builds like in a minute
09:44 < nsf> not a big deal
09:44 < vegai> that's true :)
09:45 < vegai> might be a bit nicer for any newcomers, though
09:45 < nsf> maybe
09:46 < vegai> mm, still no ssh package
09:58 < taruti> yaml and ssh would be nice to have
09:59 < jdp> are there even ssl bindings for go yet?
10:00 < taruti> jdp: there is crypto/tls
10:07 < jdp> taruti: cool, looks like i've got some reading to do
10:15 < str1ngs> nsf: yes I just use ~/go now too
10:15 < str1ngs> nsf: but I started rewriting PKGBUILD in go
10:15 < nsf> hehe
10:16 < str1ngs> nsf: http://github.com/str1ngs/via . very very early work
10:17 < str1ngs> nsf: example metadata
10:18 < nsf> I see
10:18 < nsf> btw your Makefile isn't portable
10:18 < nsf> it uses 6g directly
10:18 < nsf> won't work on my machine
10:19 < str1ngs> yes I need to update that
10:19 < nsf> include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.$(GOARCH)
10:19 < str1ngs> I just moved somethings into packages.  and I need to make
proper makefiles
10:19 < nsf> this one include $(GC)
10:19 < nsf> you can use that instead 6g
10:19 < nsf> includes*
10:20 < str1ngs> I need to find a Makefile example that builds packages and
10:20 < nsf> I use multiple makefiles
10:20 < nsf> http://github.com/nsf/gocode/blob/master/Makefile
10:20 < nsf> take a look
10:21 < str1ngs> ok thanks
10:21 < nsf> looks ugly though :)
10:21 < vegai> rewriting PKGBUILD in go?
10:21 < str1ngs> meh mine is ugly :P
10:21 < str1ngs> vegai: yes
10:21 < str1ngs> well makepkg really
10:21 < nsf> but this makefile builds a code generator, generates code with
that, build a package and compiles everything into a gocode executable :)
10:22 < nsf> builds*
10:22 < nsf> complete mess
10:22 < nsf> but works
10:22 < vegai> str1ngs: ah, right
10:23 < str1ngs> vegai: I posted my early work on it.  see about it at
10:23 < str1ngs> above*
10:25 < str1ngs> nsf: ah so you just cd into the package dirs and run make?
10:25 < nsf> yes
10:25 < nsf> but you need to do that in one line
10:25 < nsf> cd ..  && make
10:26 < str1ngs> then use a package template Makefile.  that works
10:26 < nsf> or
10:26 < nsf> you can run Makefile in other dir afaik
10:26 < nsf> like make -f mydir/Makefile
10:26 < nsf> I guess it will work too
10:26 < str1ngs> ok I'll switch to this for now atleast
10:27 < str1ngs> I need to fix the meta files to be more linux based also.
atleast till I get get the OS interface working
10:27 < str1ngs> also the wget and tat forks need to be replace with libs
10:28 < str1ngs> tar*
10:28 -!- napsy [~luka@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
10:28 < str1ngs> ya its along ways off from being useful
10:33 -!- General1337 [~support@71-84-50-230.dhcp.mtpk.ca.charter.com] has joined
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10:34 < rsaarelm> Hm. I have some need of an ini file library.  Yaml might
be a good enough format.  I wonder how much work making a library for it would
10:35 < nsf> http://github.com/msbranco/goconfig
10:35 < nsf> I use that one
10:35 < nsf> works..
10:35 < rsaarelm> I may need hierarchical structures, ini files don't do
10:36 -!- General13372 [~support@71-84-50-230.dhcp.mtpk.ca.charter.com] has quit
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10:36 < nsf> well it supports sections
10:37 < nsf> for most cases it's enough :)
10:37 < rsaarelm> Yeah, it would probably be good enough for my current
10:41 < rsaarelm> Yaml is pretty complex.
10:43 -!- photron [~photron@port-92-201-61-111.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #go-nuts
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10:57 < nsf> I don't like yaml
10:57 < nsf> I think it's VERY complex :)
10:57 < MizardX> rsaarelm: JSON?
10:57 < nsf> json is bad for config files too
10:57 -!- ikaros [~ikaros@dslb-084-059-076-150.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined
10:58 < rsaarelm> MizardX: I'm using json now, and it's horrible for
human-editable files.
10:59 < MizardX> Just sugested it because there is support for it in the
standard libarary.
11:00 < vegai> do you need something more than simple ini files?
11:00 < vegai> [Category] Foo=Bar etc.
11:00 < nsf> I have my own format for hierarchical files, but not everybody
likes it
11:00 < nsf> http://omploader.org/vNTh4Yg/bmpanel2format.png
11:00 < nsf> looks like that
11:00 < rsaarelm> I made something like that once in Python.
11:01 < MizardX> Looks similar to yaml, but without the delimiters
11:01 < nsf> no
11:01 < rsaarelm> I like significant indentation.
11:01 < nsf> it's not even close to yaml
11:01 < nsf> it's way more simpler
11:01 < nsf> the tricky part that there is no invalid files for that format
11:02 < nsf> it parses anything
11:02 < nsf> even binaries
11:02 < nsf> :D
11:02 < taruti> json is horrible for humans
11:02 < taruti> nsf: does that have types?
11:02 < Tonnerre> json is horrible for anything
11:03 < nsf> nope
11:03 < nsf> it's just a tree key->value structure
11:03 < nsf> http://github.com/nsf/bmpanel2/blob/master/config-parser.h
11:03 < nsf> I have parser in C for that
11:03 < nsf> but not in Go unfortunately
11:04 -!- Soultake1 [~maks@hell.student.utwente.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 265
11:05 < taruti> Yaml is both human readable, typed and can store arbitrary
11:06 < vegai> json is a less horrible alternative to xml sometimes
11:06 < taruti> editors complain if the xml is invalid
11:06 < taruti> there is decent tu-editor for yaml
11:06 < taruti> *tui
11:06 < taruti> s/yaml/json
11:07 < taruti> I really should drink more coffee
11:11 -!- femtooo [~femto@95-89-196-6-dynip.superkabel.de] has quit [Quit:
11:17 < taruti> I keep wanting to have a "Keys(map[foo]bar) []foo"
11:41 -!- preflex [~preflex@unaffiliated/mauke/bot/preflex] has quit [Ping
timeout: 240 seconds]
11:41 < MizardX> taruti: http://ideone.com/VGnj2 ...  little verbose, but
since you can't create new types with the reflect package, it is the best I can
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11:49 < taruti> MizardX: that allocates a Value for each map key?
11:49 < MizardX> yes
11:50 < MizardX> I don't see how to do it otherwise, since you only know the
type at runtime.
11:51 * taruti ponders using C
11:51 -!- preflex [~preflex@unaffiliated/mauke/bot/preflex] has joined #go-nuts
11:51 < rsaarelm> Why can't reflection be used to take the key slice type
straight from the map value instead from the separate parameter?
11:52 < taruti> hmm, maybe I'll just bite the bullet and use bsts
11:52 < taruti> rsaarelm: because reflection package does not export such an
11:53 < nsf> str1ngs: here is one more way to run make in other directory:
11:53 < nsf> make -C mydir
11:53 < MizardX> If you know the type at compile time, it is much easier:
keys := make([]T, len(m)); i := 0; for k, _ := range m { keys[i] = k; i++ }
11:53 < nsf> it actually changes dir to mydir and then runs makefile
11:54 -!- ShadowIce [~pyoro@unaffiliated/shadowice-x841044] has joined #go-nuts
11:54 < rsaarelm> It looks like you can get the type of a single key value
from the map object, and you need the type of an array of that type...
11:54 < MizardX> rsaarelm: Problem is: You can't create types at compile
time.  Not even composite types.
11:55 < rsaarelm> And making the array type from the key type would be type
11:55 < MizardX> yes
11:56 < rsaarelm> Right, that's it then.
11:57 < MizardX> s/compile time/run time/
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13:17 < taruti> Is there a way to make gopack silent?
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14:22 < matt444> how do you create a master page with mustache?
14:23 < matt444> you can render partials but you have to know the name of
the partial
14:23 < matt444> obvious that can change at runtime.
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15:22 < taruti> matt444: just use the template module instead of mustache
15:22 < taruti> matt444: mustache does not escape things for html
15:23 < matt444> taruti how would you do master pages?
15:24 < taruti> matt444: I use cpp to create header + content + foorter
-> foo.tmpl, and then just use the builtin template module
15:27 < matt444> i see
15:27 < matt444> thanks.
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This computer has gone to sleep]
15:36 < str1ngs> nsf: I think I sorted it out.  by using DEPS
http://github.com/str1ngs/via/blob/master/Makefile .
15:37 < nsf> str1ngs: I see
15:37 < str1ngs> nsf: I also fixed the packages so they install to via/* .
and I need to probably move the Makfe test and make tests for the packages now
15:37 < nsf> well, that's even better
15:39 < str1ngs> atleast it will build is someone decides to clone it heeh
15:46 < str1ngs> nsf: oh I noticed gocode broke or are you in the middle of
adding a feature?
15:46 < str1ngs> nsf: goremote.go:24: cannot call non-function t.Name (type
string).  with make install
15:47 < nsf> I guess you're using latest Go (not a release branch)
15:47 < str1ngs> aye sorry I should have mentioned that yes
15:48 < nsf> I will fix that when there will be next go release
15:48 < nsf> there are changes in go/* packages
15:48 < str1ngs> no worries then . actually I should probably stick to
release to.
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15:59 < matt444> Why doesn't the compiler let me pass nil in place of a
struct object?
16:00 < bartbes> because that isn't a struct?
16:00 < bartbes> is it an object or a pointer to an object?
16:01 -!- jessta [~jessta@124-168-116-223.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Ping
timeout: 245 seconds]
16:04 < matt444> oh right
16:04 < matt444> if it's a pointer it can be nil, right?
16:04 < matt444> i honestly don't get pointers, i've always struggled with
16:08 < MizardX> Without pointers, the program would have to copy the whole
structure around.  With pointers, it would only have to copy the memory address of
the structure.  As a bonus, multiple functions can share the same instance of the
structure, and any changes to that instance will be seen by all who hold a pointer
to it.
16:09 < nickaugust> matt444: all the data is stored in memeory you get that
right?  pointers are just the memory address of the data rather than the data
16:09 < matt444> what's the difference between * and &
16:11 < MizardX> *type denotes a pointer type.  *var retrieves the object
pointed to by var.  &var returns the memory address of var.
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16:11 < matt444> ok
16:11 < matt444> here's what i don't get about the whole thing
16:11 < matt444> var something SomeStruct
16:11 < matt444> at this point, something is not nil
16:11 < matt444> correct?
16:11 < matt444> but that doesn't make sense to me.
16:12 < MizardX> something is the "zero" value of SomeStruct.  All elements
of SomeStruct is set to their respective "zero" value.  ints = 0, strings = "",
pointers = nil
16:12 < matt444> i see
16:13 < matt444> maybe i am confusing nil with null
16:13 < Namegduf> matt444: nil basically means "0 pointer"
16:13 < matt444> in every other language i've used, when you declare a
variable but don't assign a value, it is nil until you assign it
16:13 < Namegduf> Or a zero reference type
16:13 < Namegduf> You haven't used many languages, then.
16:14 < str1ngs> what do func elements default to?
16:14 < Namegduf> Often, a variable is the zero value of its type.
16:14 < Namegduf> I believe nil.
16:14 < Namegduf> They're a reference type, I think.
16:14 < str1ngs> ok thanks
16:14 -!- saschpe_ [~quassel@mgdb-4d0cf834.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #go-nuts
16:14 < matt444> so, can i declare a variable in one scope, and then point
to it in another?
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timeout: 248 seconds]
16:15 < MizardX> yes
16:15 < matt444> ok
16:15 < Namegduf> Yes- it causes the variable to be kept in existence until
the pointer is gone.
16:15 < MizardX> As long as there is a pointer to the object, it will remain
in mempry.
16:15 < MizardX> memory*
16:15 < Namegduf> In implementation, means it is allocated on the heap.
16:15 < matt444> when is the pointer gone?
16:15 < matt444> *var = nil?
16:16 < Namegduf> Just "var = nil"
16:16 < Namegduf> When it goes out of scope, or is assigned to something
16:16 < Namegduf> Er, has something else assigned to it.
16:16 < matt444> ok
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joined #go-nuts
16:19 < matt444> starting to make more sense, thanks gusy
16:27 < matt444> ok I would expect this to work:
16:27 < matt444> but the compiler doesn't like it, because i'm sending type
FooStruct as a parameter *FooStruct
16:30 < matt444> obviously i'm doing it wrong but i'd like to learn why
16:30 < exch> send(foo)
16:30 < matt444> yes, i see that
16:30 < exch> foo is already a pointer to FooStruct
16:30 < matt444> ohhhh
16:30 < exch> and doing *foo means you dereference it to it's value
16:30 < matt444> hmm
16:30 < matt444> right
16:31 < matt444> all objects are pointers then
16:31 -!- kanru [~kanru@118-160-160-190.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #go-nuts
16:31 < exch> Only if you define them as pointers.  you delcared foo with
new(FooStruct).  new() returns a pointer to FooStruct
16:32 < exch> foo := &FooStruct{} would do the same
16:32 < matt444> hmm
16:32 < matt444> ok, makes sense
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19:00 < str1ngs> p = Foo{} is that the same as p := new(Foo) ?
19:00 < taruti> p = &Foo{}
19:01 < exch> Foo{} = value, new(Foo) and &Foo{} = pointer
19:01 < str1ngs> p = Foo{} is wrong I should use p = &Foo{} ?
19:02 < rsaarelm> It depends on what you want to do.
19:02 < rsaarelm> But &Foo{} and new(Foo) are the same thing, and Foo{} is a
different one.
19:02 < taruti> str1ngs: Foo{} "a new Foo", &Foo{} "a new Foo and a pointer
to it", new(Foo) "a new Foo and a pointer to it"
19:02 < str1ngs> ok my guess though is its better to use pointers where I
19:05 < str1ngs> ok this alot more clear thank you.
19:06 < exch> I generally pass pointers to stuff around.  Except when
passing things through a channel.  Since they are intended to pass stuff between
goroutines, it's not very safe to pass pointers to objects.
19:06 < exch> that's a lot of passing in one sentence :p
19:06 < str1ngs> thats ok I"m not a C programmer so the pointer stuff always
gets me.
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closed the connection]
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host closed the connection]
20:46 < plexdev> http://is.gd/ej6TT by [Rob Pike] in go/doc/ -- spec: delete
erroneous word 'pointer' in specification of select.
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21:30 < nsf> hehe, gofmt screwed correctness of my app
21:30 < nsf> it removed a trailing space in a `` string, but it was required
there )
21:31 < exch> :o
21:31 < nsf> let's report a bug
21:31 < str1ngs> thats a feature damn it leave it be!
21:31 < str1ngs> ok I'm just kidding
21:32 < exch> it also does it for lines with only whitespace inside ``
21:32 < exch> the lines remain, but tabs/spaces are removed
21:32 < nsf> well apparently it removes trailing whitespaces
21:33 < nsf> but it shouldn't do that inside multiline string literals
21:33 < exch> ya
21:36 -!- Eridius [~kevin@unaffiliated/eridius] has joined #go-nuts
21:39 < bartbes> imo it should never touch strings
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21:42 < nsf> http://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=1030
21:49 < nsf> the funny thing: I guess I'm the only guy who has that kind of
strings in real app and gofmt acutally breaks this app
21:49 < nsf> :D
21:49 -!- rlab [~Miranda@] has quit [Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller,
Faster, Easier.  http://miranda-im.org]
21:50 < nsf> if you take a look at any .a file generated by gc compiler
21:50 < nsf> it has this line
21:50 < nsf> like 'package <something> '
21:50 < nsf> and it contains trailing whitespace
21:50 < nsf> I wrote parser which assumes that kind of input
21:50 < nsf> :D
21:51 < nsf> and I have a built-in "unsafe" package which contains that kind
of data in `` string
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joined #go-nuts
21:54 < bartbes> well, regardless of people noticing it
21:54 < bartbes> it shouldn't touch your strings
21:54 < nsf> yes
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has joined #go-nuts
22:03 < exch> bugreport time I'd say.
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Leave the magic to Houdini]
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quit [Quit: E se abbasso questa leva che succ...]
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22:36 < homa_rano> anyone know where []int(string) is implemented?
22:37 < homa_rano> I'm curious how it knows how much space to allocate
22:39 < nbjoerg> by computing log10 of the number?
22:40 < nbjoerg> or two pass decoding
22:40 -!- XenoPhoenix [~Xeno@] has joined #go-nuts
22:40 < Tonnerre> It could also stupidly allocate the length for INT_MAX as
determined at compile time
22:40 < Tonnerre> Any of that is good
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22:41 < homa_rano> I suspect it does two passes, but not necessarily
22:42 < nbjoerg> computing log10 is easy, just a bunch of ifs
22:43 -!- nighty^ [~nighty@x122091.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp] has quit [Read error:
Connection reset by peer]
22:44 < homa_rano> it's unicode decoding, no log10 is involved
22:45 < nbjoerg> right.  in that case: a simple forward loop
22:46 < homa_rano> as in, decode everything in one pass, just to count the
number of codepoints, then decode everything again into the correctly allocated
22:47 < homa_rano> seems like there's a better way
22:48 < Tonnerre> Well, log10 should be a better way
22:48 < homa_rano> what does log10 have to do with character encodings?
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23:08 < nbjoerg> he's reading it the wrong way as I first did
23:11 < homa_rano> ah, I see the ambiguity now
23:12 < nbjoerg> not used to go syntax yet :)
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host closed the connection]
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